()English (en) English (en) Български (bg) Data retention summary Home; Site pages; Ankündigungen; Search. Zigeunerlager Maxglan - Medienbegleitkurs. BAFEP Klagenfurt. Salzburger Bildungsnetz Plattform Moodle. However, we also discovered less-known areas of an airport, such as the airport’s fire brigade. Didaktik der 2C während Coronazeit. This part of BAFEP's online presence is now kept for the Database and the members' only section. Praxishort BAfEP-Sbg Moodle. The new Moodle version (v2.8) is available for FEPS staff and students since 1 January 2015 Keep in mind that it's separate from the old Moodle. Hepsini daralt. The project days in February, during the time when the aptitude test takes place at the Bafep, provide the perfect opportunity to gain new insights. (function(){var ml="4r-tsbe0%gf.lpauizk",mi="46B163>1@>38075>:6=24>
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