April 2004 über Lebensmittelhygiene, OJ L 139, 30.4.2004, p. 1–54 (ES, DA, DE, EL, EN, FR, IT, NL, PT, FI, SV)Special edition in Czech: Chapter 13 Volume 034 P. 319 - 337Special edition in Estonian: Chapter 13 Volume 034 P. 319 - 337Special edition in Latvian: Chapter 13 Volume 034 P. 319 - 337Special edition in Lithuanian: Chapter 13 Volume 034 P. 319 - 337Special edition in Hungarian Chapter 13 Volume 034 P. 319 - 337Special edition in Maltese: Chapter 13 Volume 034 P. 319 - 337Special edition in Polish: Chapter 13 Volume 034 P. 319 - 337Special edition in Slovak: Chapter 13 Volume 034 P. 319 - 337Special edition in Slovene: Chapter 13 Volume 034 P. 319 - 337Special edition in Bulgarian: Chapter 13 Volume 044 P. 173 - 191Special edition in Romanian: Chapter 13 Volume 044 P. 173 - 191Special edition in Croatian: Chapter 13 Volume 015 P. 42 - 60, In force: This act has been changed. 852/2004 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 29. Flexibility is also appropriate to enable the continued use of traditional methods at any of the stages of production, processing or distribution of food and in relation to structural requirements for establishments. This Regulation takes account of international obligations laid down in the WTO Sanitary and Phytosanitary Agreement and the international food safety standards contained in the Codex Alimentarius. Where appropriate and in particular in the case of cans and glass jars, the integrity of the container's construction and its cleanliness is to be assured. Where conveyances and/or containers are used for transporting anything in addition to foodstuffs or for transporting different foodstuffs at the same time, there is, where necessary, to be effective separation of products. Notwithstanding the general duty laid down in paragraph 2, food business operators are to comply with appropriate Community and national legislative provisions relating to the control of hazards in primary production and associated operations, including: measures to control contamination arising from the air, soil, water, feed, fertilisers, veterinary medicinal products, plant protection products and biocides and the storage, handling and disposal of waste; and. Implementing measures and transitional arrangements. Successful implementation of the procedures based on the HACCP principles will require the full cooperation and commitment of food business employees. VO (EG) 852/2004. The general hygiene requirements for all food business operators are laid down in Regulation (EC) 852/2004, which is a directly applicable law in all EU Member States. National guides may be developed under the aegis of a national standards institute referred to in Annex II to Directive 98/34/EC (13). That Regulation also lays down other common principles and definitions for national and Community food law, including the aim of achieving free movement of food within the Community. April 2004 mit spezifischen Hygienevorschriften für Lebensmittel tierischen Ursprungs. The national measures referred to in paragraph 3 shall have the aim of: enabling the continued use of traditional methods, at any of the stages of production, processing or distribution of food; or. The web archive also captured associated case law and other language formats from EUR-Lex. Food business operators carrying out any stage of production, processing and distribution of food after those stages to which paragraph 1 applies shall comply with the general hygiene requirements laid down in Annex II and any specific requirements provided for in Regulation (EC) No.../2004 (10). Europaparlamentets och rådets förordning (EG) nr 852/2004. However, guides to good practice should encourage the use of appropriate hygiene practices at farm level. Available languages and formats. Adequate procedures are to be in place to control pests. Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on the hygiene of foodstuffs. 4. It should provide, where necessary to resolve disagreements, for discussion within the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health established by Regulation (EC) No 178/2002. Transitional measures of general scope designed to amend non-essential elements... Amendment and adaptation of Annexes I and II, Consultation of the European Food Safety Authority, Report to the European Parliament and the Council, the original print PDF of the as adopted version that was used for the EU Official Journal, lists of changes made by and/or affecting this legislation item, links to related legislation and further information resources, the original print PDF of the as adopted version that was used for the print copy, confers power and blanket amendment details. The food business operators may be assisted by other persons, such as veterinarians, agronomists and farm technicians, with the keeping of records. Wrapping and packaging operations are to be carried out so as to avoid contamination of the products. Official controls, registration and approval. Invoercert VO(EG)2640/98(PB Nr.335) C026 Abstammungsnachweis u Zuchtbesch. Règlement européen : 852/2004 B2H1L2d; EG/CE 37/2005 A2A3 (4*) 12. Finally, we would like to give you some practical examples that inexperienced caterers often overlook – this list is intended to heighten awareness of the fact that it is hardly possible to apply 852/2004 without the appropriate aids and test proposals: The documentation of the controls carried out must be kept for the long term – depending … 39 S. 1816 Google Scholar. (13) Directive 98/34/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 June 1998 laying down a procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical standards and regulations (OJ L 204, 21.7.1998, p. 37). 3 Allgemeine Verpflichtung; Art. 1. Hildebrandt, G., Probenahme- und Prüfpläne. in the case of products of plant origin, fishery products and wild game, transport operations to deliver primary products, the nature of which has not been substantially altered, from the place of production to an establishment. measures relating to animal health and welfare and plant health that have implications for human health, including programmes for the monitoring and control of zoonoses and zoonotic agents. This will require the use of smooth and non-absorbent surfaces unless food business operators can satisfy the competent authority that other materials used are appropriate; and. The application of hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) principles to primary production is not yet generally feasible. EU-Verordnung VO (EG) 178/2002 (Verantwortung des Lebensmittelunternehmers und Rückverfolgbarkeit) EU-Verordnung VO (EG) 37/2005 (Temperaturüberwachung für Tiefkühlprodukte) EU-Verordnung VO (EG) 834/2007 (Ökoverordnung zur Kennzeichnung … Having consulted the Committee of the Regions. Where foodstuffs are to be held or served at chilled temperatures they are to be cooled as quickly as possible following the heat-processing stage, or final preparation stage if no heat process is applied, to a temperature which does not result in a risk to health. Detailed arrangements for the implementation of this Article may be laid down in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 14(2). These principles constitute a common basis for the hygienic production of all food, including products of animal origin listed in Annex I to the Treaty. 3. of herdbook registration Bewijs v inschrijv rundveestamboek C027 Abstammungsnachweis Pedigree certificate Afstammingscertificaat C028 Erklärung auf Rechnung (EG-Mexiko) Invoice declaration bearing :"Specific origin rule laid down in Dec. No 2/2000 of EC-Mexico Joint Council Annex III App. Ohne dieser Handlungsvorschrift ihre Notwendigkeit abzusprechen, ist damit aber doch auch eine Mehrbelastung der Gastronomen eingeführt worden. Experience has shown that these rules and procedures constitute a sound basis for ensuring food safety. As regards the hygiene of exported or re-exported food, the relevant requirements of food law referred to in Article 12 of Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 shall include the requirements laid down in Articles 3 to 6 of this Regulation. Die in Artikel 5 VO (EG) Nr. Food business operators rearing animals or producing primary products of animal origin are, in particular, to keep records on: the nature and origin of feed fed to the animals; veterinary medicinal products or other treatments administered to the animals, dates of administration and withdrawal periods; the occurrence of diseases that may affect the safety of products of animal origin; the results of any analyses carried out on samples taken from animals or other samples taken for diagnostic purposes, that have importance for human health; and. compliance with any requirements of national law concerning training programmes for persons working in certain food sectors. COVID-19 update 56 – 12-18/12/2020. August 2007 BGBl 2007 Teil I Nr. These facilities are to be constructed of corrosion-resistant materials, be easy to clean and have an adequate supply of hot and cold water. 6. 1. Associated sampling and analysis methods shall be laid down in accordance with the same procedure. establishing documents and records commensurate with the nature and size of the food business to demonstrate the effective application of the measures outlined in subparagraphs (a) to (f). 29 April 2004 - Regulation (EC) 853/2004 laying down specific hygiene rules for food of animal origin. Anhang I Teil A Nummer I.1 der Verordnung (EG) Nr. Chapters V to XII apply to all stages of production, processing and distribution of food and the remaining Chapters apply as follows: Chapter I applies to all food premises, except premises to which Chapter III applies; Chapter II applies to all rooms where food is prepared, treated or processed, except dining areas and premises to which Chapter III applies; Chapter III applies to those premises listed in the heading to the Chapter; Chapter IV applies to all transportation. Adequate provision is to be made, where necessary, for washing food. Such arrangements may also specify the period during which food business operators shall retain documents and records in accordance with paragraph 4(c). Lavatories are not to open directly into rooms in which food is handled. Changes we have not yet applied to the text, can be found in the ‘Changes to Legislation’ area. 3. This Regulation shall apply to all stages of production, processing and distribution of food and to exports, and without prejudice to more specific requirements relating to food hygiene. Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Articles 95 and 152(4)(b) thereof. Trots detta kan det inträffa att uppdateringar av senaste ändringar saknas och att information som är inaktuell ligger kvar. Europaparlamentets och rådets förordning (EG) nr 852/2004 (konsoliderad version) Vi strävar alltid efter att all publicering av EU-rättsakter ska vara korrekt. These containers are to be of an appropriate construction, kept in sound condition, be easy to clean and, where necessary, to disinfect. CHAPTER II FOOD BUSINESS OPERATORS' OBLIGATIONS, Article 4.General and specific hygiene requirements, Article 5.Hazard analysis and critical control points, Article 6.Official controls, registration and approval, Article 7.Development, dissemination and use of guides. Dies wird durch externe Institutionen geprüft und zertifiziert. 1. Raw materials and all ingredients stored in a food business are to be kept in appropriate conditions designed to prevent harmful deterioration and protect them from contamination. 852/2004 on the hygiene of foodstuffs. Premises and vending machines are, so far as is reasonably practicable, to be so sited, designed, constructed and kept clean and maintained in good repair and condition as to avoid the risk of contamination, in particular by animals and pests. AH articles, fittings and equipment with which food comes into contact are to: be effectively cleaned and, where necessary, disinfected. It adopted the above Directive which replaces Directives Nos. 1. (7) OJ L 37, 13.2.1993, p. 1. Solo quando si è soddisfatti, abbiamo fatto tutto nel modo giusto. Use, Other sites managed by the Publications Office, http://data.europa.eu/eli/reg/2004/852/oj, Portal of the Publications Office of the EU. 852/2004 über Lebensmittelhygiene werden eingehalten. The present Regulation defines certain specific hygiene requirements for food imported into the Community. 852/2004 AL PARLAMENTULUI EUROPEAN ȘIAL CONSILIULUI din 29 aprilie 2004 privind igiena produselor alimentare (JO L 139, 30.4.2004, p. 1) Astfel cum a fost modificat prin: Jurnalul Oficial NR. Washbasins for cleaning hands are to be provided with hot and cold running water, materials for cleaning hands and for hygienic drying. Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 of the european parliament and of the council is up to date with all changes known to be in force on or before 28 December 2020. Amendment and adaptation of Annexes I and II. Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 of the european parliament and of the council of 29 April 2004 on the hygiene of foodstuffs. to prevent the product from becoming contaminated during the process; to ensure mat the process employed achieves the desired objectives, food business operators are to check regularly the main relevant parameters (particularly temperature, pressure, sealing and microbiology), including by the use of automatic devices; the process used should conform to an internationally recognised standard (for example, pasteurisation, ultra high temperature or sterilisation). Reference: (EC) No 852/2004 ; No 853/2004 ; No 854/2004 . Refuse stores are to be designed and managed in such a way a to enable them to be kept clean and, where necessary, free of animals and pests. Directive 93/43/EEC shall be repealed with effect from the date of application of this Regulation. Before Community guides to good practice for hygiene or for the application of the HACCP principles are developed, the Commission shall consult the Committee referred to in Article 14. Wrapping materials are to be stored in such a manner that they are not exposed to a risk of contamination. However, it shall apply no earlier than 1 January 2006. 3. they are suitable as guides to compliance with Articles 3,4 and 5 in the sectors and for the foodstuffs covered. Lebensmittelhygiene-Schulung nach EU Verordnung (EG) Nummer 852/2004 . Since this Regulation replaces Directive 93/43/EEC, the latter should be repealed. Having regard to the proposal from the Commission (1). The period laid down in Article 5(6) of Decision 1999/468/EC shall be set at three months. Food businesses manufacturing, handling and wrapping processed foodstuffs are to have suitable rooms, large enough for the separate storage of raw materials from processed material and sufficient separate refrigerated storage. The HACCP requirements should take account of the principles contained in the Codex Alimentarius. Access essential accompanying documents and information for this legislation item from this tab. M22 Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1125 of 10 July 2015 L 184 7 11.7.2015 M23 Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1137 of 13 July 2015 L 185 11 14.7.2015 M24 Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1933 of 27 October 2015 L 282 11 28.10.2015 M25 Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1940 of 28 October 2015 L 283 3 29.10.2015 M26 Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/239 of 19 February 2016 L … Ice which comes into contact with food or which may contaminate food is to be made from potable water or, when used to chill whole fishery products, clean water. VO (EG) Nr. An adequate number of flush lavatories are to be available and connected to an effective drainage system. To take account of technical and scientific progress, close and effective cooperation should be ensured between the Commission and the Member States within the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health. Guides to good practice drawn up under Directive 93/43/EEC shall continue to apply after the entry into force of this Regulation, provided that they are compatible with its objectives. Regulation as amended by Regulation (EC) No 1642/2003 (OJ L 245, 29.9.2003, p. 4). Tips & tricks for the EG regulation 852/2004. 852/2004, die Sie benötigen, um in Ihrem Lebensmittelbetrieb tätig sein zu können. REGULAMENTUL (CE) NR. Page 1 of 29 РЕГЛАМЕНТ (ЕО) № 852/2004 НА ЕВРОПЕЙСКИЯ ПАРЛАМЕНТ И НА СЪВЕТА от 29 април 2004 година относно хигиената на храните ЕВРОПЕЙСКИЯТ ПАРЛАМЕНТ И СЪВЕТЪТ НА ЕВРОПЕЙСКИЯ СЪЮЗ , 6. Wenn Sie auf dieser Seite Fragen jeglicher Art besitzen, texten Sie uns sofort! EU Regulation 852/2004. The EU Version currently on EUR-lex is the version that currently applies in the EU i.e you may need this if you operate a business in the EU. Trots detta kan det inträffa att uppdateringar av senaste ändringar saknas och att information som är inaktuell ligger kvar. Règlement (EG) n° 852/2004 2.1.1. Mit der EG Verordnung 852/2004 besteht ein wichtiges Instrument zur Gewährleistung hoher Qualität von Lebensmitteln und dem Schutz von Erzeuger, Inverkehrbringer und Verbraucher. This topic outlines the requirements for food hygiene controls from receipt of goods to consumption and for the food premises and equipment. if, one month after the expiry of the period referred to in paragraph 6, the Commission has not informed Member States that it has received written comments or that it intends to propose the adoption of a decision in accordance with paragraph 6. Guides to good hygiene practice should include appropriate information on hazards that may arise in primary production and associated operations and actions to control hazards, including relevant measures set out in Community and national legislation or national and Community programmes. Food business operators carrying out primary production and those associated operations listed in Annex I shall comply with the general hygiene provisions laid down in Part A of Annex I and any specific requirements provided for in Regulation (EC) No.../2004 (10). www.dghm.de Google Scholar. 1. However, decisions adopted pursuant to Articles 3(3) and 10 of Directive 93/43/EEC shall remain in force pending their replacement by decisions adopted in accordance with this Regulation or Regulation (EC) No 178/2002. This Regulation shall enter into force twenty days after the date of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union. This will require the use of smooth, washable, corrosion-resistant and non-toxic materials, unless food business operators can satisfy the competent authority that other materials used are appropriate; adequate provision is to be made for the cleaning and, where necessary, disinfecting of working utensils and equipment; where foodstuffs are cleaned as part of the food business' operations, adequate provision is to be made for this to be undertaken hygienically; an adequate supply of hot and/or cold potable water is to be available; adequate arrangements and/or facilities for the hygienic storage and disposal of hazardous and/or inedible substances and waste (whether liquid or solid) are to be available; adequate facilities and/or arrangements for maintaining and monitoring suitable food temperature conditions are to be available; foodstuffs are to be so placed as to avoid the risk of contamination so far as is reasonably practicable. Inhaltsübersicht (redaktionell) Kapitel I Allgemeine Bestimmungen (Art. Lebensmittelhygieneschulung Anhang II Kapitel XII Verordnung (EG) Nr. PART B: RECOMMENDATIONS FOR GUIDES TO GOOD HYGIENE PRACTICE. Alle Vo eg 852 2004 zusammengefasst. database > wetgeving > levensmiddelenwetgeving > EG verordening 852/2004: Dit artikel is nog niet beschikbaar in de door u gekozen taal. The Committee referred to in Article 14 shall assess draft Community guides in order to ensure that: they have been developed in accordance with paragraph 2; their contents are practicable for the sectors to which they refer throughout the Community; and. Diese Vorschriften ergänzen die Vorschriften der Verordnung (EG) Nr. Examples of such hazards and measures may include: the control of contamination such as mycotoxins, heavy metals and radioactive material; the use of water, organic waste and fertilisers; the correct and appropriate use of plant protection products and biocides and their traceability; the correct and appropriate use of veterinary medicinal products and feed additives and their traceability; the preparation, storage, use and traceability of feed; the proper disposal of dead animals, waste and litter; protective measures to prevent the introduction of contagious diseases transmissible to humans through food, and any obligation to notify the competent authority; procedures, practices and methods to ensure that food is produced, handled, packed, stored and transported under appropriate hygienic conditions, including effective cleaning and pest-control; measures relating to the cleanliness of slaughter and production animals; GENERAL HYGIENE REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL FOOD BUSINESS OPERATORS (EXCEPT WHEN ANNEX I APPLIES). The legislation.gov.uk version is the version that applies in the UK. Commission Staff working document on the Understanding of certain provisions on flexibility provided in the Hygiene Package (Frequently As… conform with European directive for welfare of hens (1999/74) and conform to the community decree n° 17 8/2002 (food stuffs security), 852/2004, 853/2004 (food stuffs hygiene), 598/2008 et 589/2008 (sales of eggs). The Commission shall invite the Committee referred to in Article 14 periodically to review any Community guides prepared in accordance with this Article, in cooperation with the bodies mentioned in paragraph 2. Sanitary conveniences are to have adequate natural or mechanical ventilation. During its session on 27 October 2004, the European Parliament discussed materials and products which will come into contact with food. Food safety law is criminal law and is detailed and complex with several different regulations. Règlement (EG) n° 852/2004 2.1.1. 29 April 2004 - Regulation (EC) 852/2004 on the hygiene of foodstuffs. Current consolidated version: 20/04/2009, ELI: http://data.europa.eu/eli/reg/2004/852/oj, Official Journal of the European Communities, REGULATION (EC) No 852/2004 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL. primary production for private domestic use; the domestic preparation, handling or storage of food for private domestic consumption; the direct supply, by the producer, of small quantities of primary products to the final consumer or to local retail establishments directly supplying the final consumer; collection centres and tanneries which fall within the definition of food business only because they handle raw material for the production of gelatine or collagen. Verordnung (EG) Nr. Dependent on the legislation item being viewed this may include: Click 'View More' or select 'More Resources' tab for additional information including: All content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0 except where otherwise stated. The Committee shall adopt its rules of procedure. Any Member State requiring the approval of certain establishments located on its territory under national law, as provided for in subparagraph (a), shall inform the Commission and other Member States of the relevant national rules. It shall apply 18 months after the date on which all of the following acts have entered into force: Regulation (EC) No.../2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of laying down specific rules for the organisation of official controls on products of animal origin intended for human consumption (16); and. Sämtliche der im Folgenden aufgelisteten Vo eg 852 2004 sind direkt bei Amazon auf Lager und somit extrem schnell in Ihren Händen. 2. C1 Berigtigelse, EUT L 226 af 25.6.2004, s. 3 (852/2004) 2004R0852 — DA — 20.04.2009 — 002.001 — 1 B EUROPA-PARLAMENTETS OG RÅDETS FORORDNING (EF) Nr. Verordnung (EG) Nr. 2. Annexes I and II may be adapted or updated in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 14(2), taking into account: the need to revise the recommendations set out in Annex I, Part B, paragraph 2; the experience gained from the implementation of HACCP-based systems pursuant to Article 5; technological developments and their practical consequences and consumer expectations with regard to food composition; scientific advice, particularly new risk assessments; microbiological and temperature criteria for foodstuffs. In addition to this common basis, specific hygiene rules are necessary for certain foodstuffs. Dependent on the legislation item being viewed this may include: This timeline shows the different versions taken from EUR-Lex before exit day and during the implementation period as well as any subsequent versions created after the implementation period as a result of changes made by UK legislation.