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Unfolding the potential of the virtual water concept. Although the volume of this physiological minimum can vary among individuals depending primarily on the living standards, an estimate of 800−1200 m, Until the end of the 1990s, most of the countries with water resources below the threshold have been oil-rich and/or had their GDPs above the low-income level in the World Bank income classification. Yasunori Kikuchi, Yuichiro Kanematsu, Naoki Yoshikawa, Tatsuya Okubo, Michiko Takagaki. (b) Projection of the expected “water deficit-induced” cereal import calculated with model 1 [i.e., b exp(−3/c water)] (black) with uncertainty bands in association to the high and low UN population forecasts (blue), water threshold values of 1300 and 1700 [m3/(capita year)] (red), and uncertainty in the model parameters (green). Fotogalerie mit Bildern aus den Bereichen Veranstaltungen, Studierende, Forschung, Lernen und Lehren, Gebäude und Museen. Water availability for agriculture--the major water user worldwide--is one of the most critical factors for food security in many regions of the world. Environmental and resource use analysis of plant factories with energy technology options: A case study in Japan. The technological advance that led to the dramatic achievements in world food production over the last 30 years was the development of high-yielding varieties of wheat and rice. Masoud Jafari Shalamzari, Wanchang Zhang. Mohammad Javad Keyhanpour, Seyed Habib Musavi Jahromi, Hossein Ebrahimi. Cereal grains have to be imported to compensate for the water deficit. Electonic journals available at the University Library are listed in the Electronic Journals Library (you will also find them in KARLA). Figure 1 Fits of model 1 for the first (1980−1984; thick dashed blue line and open circles) and the last (1996−2000; thick solid blue line and filled circles with country names) investigation periods. A quantitative account of water deficit and cereal import relations therefore is of significance for predicting future food import demand and formulating corresponding national and international policies. A Monte Carlo analysis suggests that the model results are insensitive to moderate variations in the cutoff value of 5000 m3/capita. Table 1. In almost all the countries with water resources below the threshold, there is an increase in per capita cereal import (arrows point upward in Figure 1). Assessing the impact of climate change on water resources in Iran. Environmentally friendly systems in agriculture have gained high priority in arid and semi-arid countries. Since there has not been such a precipitous drop in the publication of journal articles between the years 1995 to 2007 in the open scientific journal literature, it is safe to assume that a general decrease in publication may not be the … To compare the results of models 1−3 and observe the trend of changes over the years, the values of parameters. finden Sie im Moodle der Universität Kassel. 10 13092 Berlin-Buch eMail: susanne.hannig@mdc-berlin.de Editorial Board Prof. Dr. Mathias Bähr … Valuing the impact of trade on local blue water. Abbaspour, E. Rouholahnejad, S. Vaghefi, R. Srinivasan, H. Yang, B. Kløve. This website uses cookies for usage analysis with the Matomo software. Inequality or injustice in water use for food?. Web presence for University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer (Germany), Constantiaplatz 4, 26723 Emden - EXPLORE THE UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES Almost all available conventional water resources were exhausted. The situation in Saudi Arabia. Wenn der Ausstellungszug „Expedition Zukunft" vom 2. bis 4. There are a number of important databases that you should consult when searching for academic literature for term papers, theses etc. SciFinder WebVersion persönliche Registrierung für Hochschulangehörige. J Himanshu Rao, Mahesh Kumar Hardaha, Hardikkumar Mansukhbhai Vora. … DIGITAL COLLECTIONS . GEPIC – modelling wheat yield and crop water productivity with high resolution on a global scale. Please click on the information about data privacy. Die Materialien zur Vorlesung (Skript, Übungsblätter) und Ankündigungen (Terminänderungen etc.) Hier finden Sie Informationen (z.B. Virtual water trade in the semi-arid regions of Nigeria. Das Studienangebot der Uni Würzburg sortiert nach verschiedenen Studienfeldern. Cereal production in Saudi Arabia increased from barely 0.3 million ton in the early 1980s to a peak of over 5 million ton in the early 1990s. Virtual water trade: an assessment of water use efficiency in the international food trade. Urheberrecht Nutzungsbedingungen für Online-Ressourcen. Some of them however are not available at the University Library and will have to be ordered via interlibrary loan. The Altmetric Attention Score is a quantitative measure of the attention that a research article has received online. You should always start your search with KARLA before moving on to other resources such as databases. We must also develop strategies for integrated nutrient management, integrated pest management, and efficient utilization of water and soil resources. Improved SWAT Model Performance With Time-Dynamic Voronoi Tessellation of Climatic Input Data in Southern Africa1. Above it, no direct relationship is discernible. Regina-Pacis-Weg 3 D-53113 Bonn. What is still under debate?. Marine has 3 jobs listed on their profile. In the 1990s, the rate of growth in food-grain production has been lower than the rate of growth in population. Telefon 0561 804-4222, ozw@bibliothek.uni-kassel.de k k k k k k 4 IHR DIREKTER DRAHT IN DIE BIBLIOTHEK Für Fragen zur Benutzung der Bibliothek, zur Literaturrecherche, für Lob und Anregungen: Zentrale Servicenummer: 0561 804-7711 Zentrale Serviceadresse: info@bibliothek.uni-kassel.de k k. VORWORT Nutzerinnen und Nutzer können seit April 2017 in der Campusbibliothek erleben, was eine … Hmaed Najafi Alamdarlo, Fariba Riyahi, Mohamad Hasan Vakilpoor. Assessing water footprint at river basin level: a case study for the Heihe River Basin in northwest China. Shahriar Pervez, Michael Budde, James Rowland. Irrigation water management in Iran: Implications for water use efficiency improvement. Editorial Office Susanne Hannig Redaktion Neuroforum Max-Delbrück-Centrum für Molekulare Medizin Robert-Rössle-Str. Cereal import has played a crucial role in compensating local water deficit. April 2012. ICA-Client. The correlation coefficient of 0.61 identifies log(GDP) as the most important potential influence factor for the residuals. Miina Porkka, Matti Kummu, Stefan Siebert, Martina Flörke. Andrea Andrade, Ana Vigliocco, Sergio Alemano, Analía Llanes, Guillermina Abdala. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at, Johnson, Nels; Revenga, Carmen; Echeverria, Jaime. Import file formats. There are a number of important databases that you should consult when searching for academic literature for term papers, theses etc. Simulating spatiotemporal variability of blue and green water resources availability with uncertainty analysis. Virtual water accounting for the globalized world economy: National water footprint and international virtual water trade. E-Mail: studieren@uni-kassel.de Infotheke: Mo-Do 10-15 Uhr und Fr 10-12 Uhr. Laundry wastewater treatment using a combination of sand filter, bio-char and teff straw media. Angebote für Schüler*innen / Studieninteressierte, Universitätsbibliothek Kassel
Present and future of urban water balance in the rapidly urbanizing Heihe River Basin, Northwest China. Egypt's needs a breakthrough in research and development for irrigation using renewable energy (mainly solar and wind) by a desalination process. Exzellenz und Praxisnähe – die Universität zu Lübeck bietet mit ihren Drittmittel-geförderten Promotionsprogrammen und der Einbettung in den BioMedTec-Wissenschaftscampus Lübeck ein ausgezeichnetes und hervorragend vernetztes Forschungsumfeld für Ihre Promotion. International Water Management Institute. Die Uni auf Instagram und Facebook. Kriegsbriefe und weitere Zeitzeugnisse in den Digitalen Sammlungen der ULB Bonn . Below the threshold, the demand for cereal import increases exponentially with decreasing water resources. B. Zehnder. Please reconnect, Authors & Insert A: Schematic representation of a solid phase synthesis bead. There is no expanded citation for this reference. Dr. Tristan Petit, Institut für Nanospektroskopie, HZB GDCh-Vortrag am 26.11.2020 um 17:15 Uhr via Zoom (Young Researcher within the Marie-Curie Research Training Network, Participants: School of Chemistry University of Birmingham UK, National Centre for Sensor Research Dublin College University Ireland, Department of Physics University of Kassel Germany, Institute of Physical Chemistry NCSR Demokritos Athens Greece, Department of Chemistry University of Warwick UK, Radboud University Nijmegen … The Role of Virtual Water Flows in Physical Water Scarcity: The Case of Central Asia. Factors affecting future needs at all levels include rapid rural-urban migration, high fertility, and changing patterns of international population movement. Solns. Teilzeit-Studium. The use of food imports to overcome local limits to growth. With the aggravation of water scarcity in many countries and regions in the world and a growing number of the people experiencing water stress (. Mit ihren Erfolgen in allen Förderrunden des Exzellenzwettbewerbs und in internationalen Rankings wird ihre führende Rolle und ihr exzellenter Ruf … They need to understand the demographic forces in each country so they can balance society's rising needs for clean water with the finite amount of water available. Beide Services sind kostenpflichtig. Michalis Hadjikakou, Jonathan Chenoweth, Graham Miller. Vorosmarty, Charles J.; Green, Panela; Salisbury, Joseph; Lammers, Richard B. A Linear Programming Optimization of Water Resource Management with Virtual Water through Global Trade: A Case Study of Germany. Seasonal Water Allocation: Dealing with Hydrologic Variability in the Context of a Water Rights System. The University Library of Kassel gives access to more than 6,000 databases. Despite these successes, the world still faces continuing vulnerability to food shortages. ersetzt genau ein Zeichen genaue Suche = Begriffe werden genau wie eingegeben gesucht. Ort und Zeit: Freitags, 10:15 – 11:45 Uhr in Raum 2104 (WA 71, altes Gebäude); Beginn: 13. Auf der Grundlage der vom 11. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions. Correlation Matrix of Residuals of Model 1 with Other Possible Influence Factors for the Last Investigation Period (1996−2000)a. a water = renewable annual freshwater per capita [m3/(capita year)]; land = sum of arable land and permanent cropland per capita [ha/capita]; irrigation = irrigated area per capita [ha/capita]; fertilizer = annual fertilizer application per capita [ton/(capita year)]; GDP = gross domestic product per capita [US$/capita]. * ersetzt beliebig viele Zeichen? 0561/804-2946 E-Mail: s.h.hagenauer@uni-kassel.de. University of Kassel, Germany. Sie überliefern das handschriftliche Protokoll der legendären Sitzung vom 23.01.1896, bei der Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen seinen berühmten Vortrag „Über eine … A quantitative account of water deficit and cereal import relations therefore is of significance for predicting future food import demand and formulating corresponding national and international policies. Inclusion of log(GDP) yielded model 2: Noting that land has the second largest correlation coefficient after log(GDP) (Table 1), we included the variable land as a linear term in the model and obtained model 3: We did not further include fertilizer and irrigation in the model simulation because of their small correlation with the residuals of model 1 and the lacking evidence of dependence in the scatterplot. Food Sustainability Challenges in the Developing World. Figure 2 Estimated model parameters a−e with uncertainty bands and values of the coefficient of determination R 2 for model 1 (green, plus symbols), model 2 (blue, cross symbols), and model 3 (red, solid circles). Quantitative real-time RT-PCR was performed using the QuantiTect SYBR® Green RT-PCR Kit (Qiagen). This usage analysis is made anonymous and doesn't allow any conclusions about individual visitors. Hier befinden sich Büros und Werkstätten, die von Ausgründungen der Uni Kassel genauso genutzt werden wie von Unternehmen, die die Nähe zur Hochschule suchen. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics. In view of the high cost of wastewater treatment and the health risks involved, using wastewater for irrigation at the moment may only be suitable in limited areas. and temporally accessible. ; 25.11.2020 BigBlueButton um Telefoneinwahl erweitert ; 29.10.2020 Umzug und Update von BigBlueButton ; 23.10.2020 2FA-Dienst: Wartungsarbeiten am Freitag, 23.10.2020 zwischen 06:00 und 07:00 Uhr erfolgreich abgeschlossen 28.01.2021. Studierende Uni Bonn. B. Zehnder, K. C. Abbaspour. Auf LinkedIn können Sie sich das vollständige Profil ansehen und mehr über die Kontakte von Elisabetta Greco Ph.D., LL.M. Cost-effective Approaches for Sustainable Groundwater Management in Alluvial Aquifer Systems. 10 13092 Berlin-Buch eMail: susanne.hannig@mdc-berlin.de Editorial Board Prof. Dr. Mathias Bähr … Mengyao Han, Shan Guo, Hui Chen, Xi Ji, Jiashuo Li. Z. Y. Zhang, H. Yang, M. J. Shi, A. J. The university libraries shall remain closed for the general public, apart from for taking out and returning books. These metrics are regularly updated to reflect usage leading up to the last few days. Comparative Morpho-Biochemical Responses of Sunflower Lines Sensitive and Tolerant to Water Stress. Abschlüsse. Workshop 7 (synthesis): trade-offs in water for food and environmental security--urban/agricultural trade-off, https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A280%3ADC%252BD383nslGgtQ%253D%253D&md5=b6c8c6a1b4afe46e49e303c3cc41a799, Human appropriation of renewable fresh water, https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADyaK28Xptlyjtg%253D%253D&md5=cf8041acce51f838d147928b07986bb0. … With the similar level of water resources, the volume of import in Algeria, Egypt, and Morocco all exceeded 120 kg/(capita year). 26.01.2021 Neue Zielstruktur für COVID-19-Therapien entdeckt ; 14.01.2021 Jetzt für das Sommersemester 2021 bewerben ; 11.01.2021 Bewerbungszeitraum für das "Hessen Ideen-Gründungsstipendium" geht in die finale Phase Jiefeng Kang, Jianyi Lin, Shenghui Cui, Xiangyang Li. Often these databases provide full text links to scientific papers. The ability to purchase food from the international market had enabled these countries to compensate for their water deficit and to meet the domestic demand. List of Countries in Africa and Asia Having Renewable Freshwater Resources below the Calculated Threshold of 1500 [m3/(capita year)] by the Year 2030a. An historical review of desalination in Egypt is given and present development status is indicated. September 2006: Visiting Scientist and Research Assistant (Supervisor: Prof. Patrick Unwin, Dr. Paolo Bertoncello). Water taxation and the double dividend hypothesis. How much of future food production will come from rainfed and irrigated areas? the Altmetric Attention Score and how the score is calculated. Adi Dunkelman, Meghann Kerr, Larry A. Swatuk. Dieses Profil melden Info The objective of my thesis was to use the stereospecific cyclization reaction developed at Case in the Pearson Laboratory between cyclohexadiene-Fe(CO)3 complexes and pendant alkenes creating a new synthetic approach towards … November auf seiner Deutschlandtour Station im Kasseler Kulturbahnhof macht, wird die Universität Kassel ihn mit zwei Abendveranstaltungen willkommen heißen. Economic development management in a water-capacious economy. During the past two decades, technology advances and the associated improvement in water-use efficiency have played an important role in bringing down the water resources threshold. Weiterlesen approximately 6 × 10 Advances in Crop Water Management Using Capacitive Water Sensors. These varieties are responsive to fertilizer inputs, are lodging resistant, and their yield potential is 2-3 times that of varieties available prior to the green revolution. März 2021. Renewable freshwater resources of a country are conventionally defined as the sum of the mean annual surface runoff and groundwater recharge (, Countries in Asia and Africa are taken for the analysis because water-scarce countries are mostly concentrated in these two continents (, Because cereal production and import fluctuated significantly from year to year due to variations in weather and market conditions, 5-yr running averages were calculated for the data from 1980 to 2000. Miina Porkka, Joseph H. A. Guillaume, Stefan Siebert, Sibyll Schaphoff, Matti Kummu. A scatterplot of the correlation between model residuals and various variables is given in Figure A of the Supporting. Rabbit anti-GFP antibody was kindly provided by Professor Nobuhiro Nakamura (Kyoto Sangyo University, Japan). Table 2. The University Library of Kassel gives access to more than 6,000 databases. The positions of the parameters a and c of the model are indicated by horizontal and vertical thin lines, respectively (dashed for the first period, solid for the last period). A linker system covalently attaches the core small molecule to the bead. Further details and a discussion of encoding strategies can be found elsewhere (Ohlemeyer et al. The samples examined in this study were generously supplied as follows: B and C by the Roger-Hierso group at the University of Bourgogne, and D by the Siemeling group at the University of Kassel. This is because the lack of the financial capacity of a country not only affects its ability to purchase cereals in the international market but also impedes the water development and the application of modern technologies and inputs that are crucial for increasing domestic production. Permission may be obtained from ACS for other uses through requests via the RightsLink permission system: http://pubs.acs.org/page/copyright/permissions.html. A re-assessment of indicators of national water scarcity. Long Term Drivers of Global Virtual Water Trade: A Trade Gravity Approach for 1965–2010. Environment, Development and Sustainability. Starte doch hier! An Analytical Hierarchy Model for Assessing Global Water Productivity of Irrigation Networks in Iran. Editorial Office Susanne Hannig Redaktion Neuroforum Max-Delbrück-Centrum für Molekulare Medizin Robert-Rössle-Str. IT-Support VPN. The paper proposes a system to be tested in areas where a saline water source is available, there is little rainfall, local land conditions are suitable and little attention for system operation and maintenance is needed. System dynamics modeling for assessment of water–food–energy resources security and nexus in Gavkhuni basin in Iran. Local-scale systems input-output analysis of embodied water for the Beijing economy in 2007. Until recently, most countries below the threshold were oil-rich and thus were able to afford cereal import. Estimating Virtual Water Contents Using a Global Hydrological Model. ..."Emder Vorträge"zum Thema Glyphosat: Prof. Dr Maria Finkh, Biologin an der Uni Kassel, sprach zu den umfangreichen Auswirkungen von Glyphosat auf die Umwelt und den Mensch ...Foodsharing-Kühlschrank " Fooddealer ": In unserem Haus der Studierenden können Studierende und Mitarbeiter*innen der Hochschule übrige Getränke und Speisen abgeben, um die Verschwendung von Nahrungsmitteln … Mojtaba Heydarizad, Ezzat Raeisi, Rogert Sori, Luis Gimeno, Raquel Nieto. Chuxiong Deng, Guangjie Zhang, Zhongwu Li, Ke Li. A review, with 13 refs. , 1993; Tan and Burbaum, 2000; Affleck, 2001 and Kassel, 2001). 09:00 - 16:00 Uhr (Montag - Donnerstag) 09:00 - 12:00 Uhr (Freitag) Studierenden - Hotline 09:00 - 16:00 Uhr (Montag - Freitag) Tel. Hörsaalzentrum, Bibliothek, Sportplätze und Forschungsgebäude: In diesem Video lässt sich die Uni Oldenburg aus der Vogelperspektive erkunden - inklusive Ausflug an die Nordseeküste. Online-Infos der Hochschule. Daniel Dourte, Sanjay Shukla, Piara Singh, Dorota Haman. Find more information about Crossref citation counts. A fit of the nonparametric model (LOESS with span = 0.75) (13) shows that the parametric model is adequate (thin dashed and solid red lines, respectively, for the first and last periods). 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Consideration of direct human impacts on global water supply remains a poorly, articulated but potentially important facet of the larger global change question. im größten Business-Netzwerk der Welt an. Citations are the number of other articles citing this article, calculated by Crossref and updated daily. Virtual water transfers unlikely to redress inequality in global water use. Two points however are worth noting here. Information zum Seitenaufbau und Sprungmarken fuer Screenreader-Benutzer: Ganz oben links auf jeder Seite befindet sich das Logo der JLU, verlinkt mit der Startseite. S. Ashraf Vaghefi, S. J. Mousavi, K. C. Abbaspour, R. Srinivasan, H. Yang. System dynamics model of sustainable water resources management using the Nexus Water-Food-Energy approach. Often these databases provide full text links to scientific papers. Partitioning the Impacts of Streamflow and Evaporation Uncertainty on the Operations of Multipurpose Reservoirs in Arid Regions. Postgraduate Research. Marta Zaniolo, Matteo Giuliani, Andrea Francesco Castelletti, Manuel Pulido-Velazquez. Februar 2021 gültigen Coronaschutzverordnung NRW, §6 (4) muss … und Jobs bei ähnlichen Unternehmen erfahren. Case Western Reserve University . Zeitzeugnisse: Gefecht von Blois vor 150 Jahren. In contrast, per capita cereal import remained mostly unchanged in the countries with water resources above the threshold, suggesting no significant relationship between changes in their per capita water resources and the volume of cereal import. Spatially explicit assessment of global consumptive water uses in cropland: Green and blue water. The relationship between cereal import and renewable water resources was first analyzed nonparametrically (, The fits of model 1 to the data for the first (1980−1984) and the last (1996−2000) investigation periods are in close agreement with the nonparametric regression (Figure 1, Although the general trend in cereal import is relatively well represented by model 1, there is a considerable amount of variation in the net cereal import per capita for countries with similar water resources. Urbanization and Industrial Transformation for Improved Water Management. M. Fader, D. Gerten, M. Thammer, J. Heinke, H. Lotze-Campen, W. Lucht, W. Cramer. Svitlana Fedulova, Volodymyr Dubnytskyi, Vitalina Komirna, Nataliia Naumenko. H. Yang, L. Wang, K. C. Abbaspour, A. J. We have to develop cereal cultivars with higher yield potential and greater yield stability. Erster Veranstaltungstag: Mittwoch, 20. On the world average, agriculture uses about 70% of the total water withdrawals (, Despite the increasing awareness of the constraints of water scarcity on food production and the imperative of food import for water-scarce countries, the relationship between water deficit and food import has mainly been observed empirically and described qualitatively. Given the necessary funding, it seems likely that conventional crop breeding, as well as emerging technologies based on mol. Import file formats. Editor-in-Chief Prof. Dr. Petra Wahle AG Developmental Neurobiology Faculty for Biology Ruhr University Bochum Universitätsstraße 150 44801 Bochum eMail: petra.wahle@ruhr-uni-bochum.de. In the 1960s there were large-scale concerns about the world's ability to feed itself. Zaher Mundher Yaseen, Tibebu Tsegaye Zigale, Tiyasha, Ravi Kumar D., Sinan Q. Salih, Suyash Awasthi, Tran Minh Tung, Nadhir Al-Ansari, Suraj Kumar Bhagat. Germans From … JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association. Recycle and reuse of wastewater for irrigation has been seen in some water-scarce countries and regions. Andrea Fracasso, Martina Sartori, Stefano Schiavo. ortsleihe@bibliothek.uni-ha... August-Bebel-Straße 50. G. LaVanchy, Sarah Romano, Matthew Taylor. Bookends: Sonny Software: 1988 (Mac) / 1983 (Apple II+) 2019-06-22: 13.2.4 [3] US$59.99 [1] No: Proprietary: Desktop & iOS synced via iCloud, integrated web search, pdf download, auto-completion, … OK Abbrechen. Medien, die nicht in Kassel vorhanden sind, können Sie über die Fernleihe oder Dokumentlieferdienste bestellen. Ensuring Self-sufficiency and Sustainability in the Agrofood Sector. studium(at)uni-kl.de. “Virtual water”: An unfolding concept in integrated water resources management. Hong Yang, Lei Wang, Alexander J.B. Zehnder. New dam construction could increase accessible runoff by about 10 percent over the next 30 yr, whereas population is projected to increase by more than 45 percent during that period. Anne Biewald, Susanne Rolinski, Hermann Lotze-Campen, Christoph Schmitz, Jan Philipp Dietrich. Chemical Databases: Cambridge Structural Database Crossfire, Scifinder, ... Dr. Frank Hubenthal). Below the threshold, lack of water resources is a limiting factor to local food production, and cereal grains have to be imported to compensate for the water deficit. But it is unlikely to become a significant source of water for crop production because of the high cost of energy. Md. Business Learning Center . sind 10 Jobs angegeben. Sprache: English; Schrift: größer, kleiner; Erweiterte Suche; Abonnieren: RSS; Newsarchiv; Login für Redakteure. Shaofeng Jia, Hong Yang, Shifeng Zhang, Lei Wang, Jun Xia. Bibliothek für Publikumsverkehr weiterhin geschlossen vom 10.1.21 bis 14.2.21. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. 26.01.2021 Erste größere Phishing-Welle im neuen Jahr! Internal and external green-blue agricultural water footprints of nations, and related water and land savings through trade. The role of water withdrawals in irrigated agriculture and food security has been receiving substantial attention in recent years. There is no corresponding record for this reference.