Loop statements may have an else clause; it is executed when the loop terminates through exhaustion of the iterable (with for) or when the condition becomes false (with while), but not when the loop is terminated by a break statement. The break statement can also be used with an optional label reference, to "jump out" of any JavaScript code block (see "More Examples" below). The break statement is used inside loops and switch case. While loops. 2. 5. While Loop Syntax : while expression: statement(s) In Python, all the statements indented by the same number of character spaces after a programming construct are considered to be part of a single block of code. The statements inside a while loop continue to execute until the condition for the while loop evaluates to False or a break statement is encountered. When evaluated to True all the for loops should stop, but that does not happen. With the break statement, you can stop the loop. Python programming language provides following types of loops to handle looping requirements. Test your Python skills with w3resource's quiz  It is used with if statement, whenever used inside loop. I am using multiple nested for loops. It is used to come out of the loop instantly. The else block is executed when the condition given in the while statement becomes false. The break statement, like in C, breaks out of the innermost enclosing for or while loop. Using the continue statement to continue the loop. When a break statement is encountered inside a loop, the control directly comes out of loop and the loop gets terminated. while is used for looping in Python. Usage in Python. When the break statement is used in a loop, it breaks the loop and continues executing the code after the loop (if any). The in the loop body are denoted by indentation, as with all Python control structures, and are executed once for each item in . If a break statement executes in first program block and terminates the loop then the else clause does not execute. While loops, like the ForLoop, are used for repeating sections of code - but unlike a for loop, the while loop will not run n times, but until a defined condition is no longer met. Python allows us to use the else statement with the while loop also. The else clause is only executed after completing the for loop. Test your Python skills with w3resource's quiz  In the last loop there is an if statement. How to Write a For Loop in a Single Line of Python Code? i = 5 while(i): print(i) i = i – 1 Output. Previous: Python If elif else Next: Python While Loop. It only breaks out of the innermost for loop, and than it keeps on going. As the for loop in Python is so powerful, while is rarely used, except in cases … If the condition is initially false, the loop body will not be executed at all. A continue statement executed in the first suite skips the rest of the suite and continues with the next item, or with the else clause if there is no next item. But, with the continue statement, you will go back to the loop again (continue the loop – literally). C – break statement. 1. 5 4 3 … Here we use break statement to terminate the while loop without completing it, therefore program control goes to outside the while - else structure and execute the next print statement. Like for loop, if the while loop is broken using break statement, then the else block will not be executed, and the statement present after else block will be executed. The for-loop makes assignments to the variables in the target list. Following program illustrates this. Flowchart: Previous: Python For Loop Next: Python break, continue. There are two ways of writing a one-liner for loop: Method 1: If the loop body consists of one statement, simply write this statement into the same line: for i in range(10): print(i).This prints the first 10 numbers to the shell (from 0 … The loop variable takes on the value of the next element in each time through the loop. A break statement executed in the first suite terminates the loop without executing the else clause’s suite. When do I use them?