Natural History, III.27-28. Politicament èra marxista-leninista e nacionalista cuban, foguèt tanben primièr secretari del partit comunista cuban entre 1961 e 2011. Onder zijn regering werd de republiek Cuba omgevormd tot een communistische staat, waarbij de industrie en de bedrijven werden genationaliseerd en er socialistische hervormingen werden gedaan op alle gebieden van de samenleving. Daarna heeft men verschillende pogingen gedaan om hem te vermoorden en hebben de VS een economische blokkade van Cuba ingesteld. Strabo wrote, probably describing this process: "until they were stopped by the Romans, who humiliated them and reduced most of their cities to mere villages" (Strabo, III.3.5). Gates to these oppida become monumental and frequently have sculptures of warriors. Op 1 augustus 2006 werd bekendgemaakt dat Castro zijn bevoegdheden tijdelijk aan zijn broer Raúl had overgedragen. Very characteristic of the peoples of the Castro culture (Gallaecians and western Astures) is their onomastic formula. Op 22 september 2007 gaf Castro een interview aan de Cubaanse televisie, waardoor deze geruchten ontkracht werden. Whilst the onomastic formula among the Celtiberians usually is composed by a first name followed by a patronymic expressed as a genitive, and sometimes a reference to the gens, the Castro people complete name was composed as this: So, a name such as Caeleo Cadroiolonis F Cilenvs > Berisamo would stand for Cailios son of Cadroyolo, a Cilenian, from the hill-fort named Berisamos. 123-124. Twee schepen van de Amerikaanse Marine werden door de Cubaanse luchtmacht tot zinken gebracht, en negen ballingen werden ter plekke terechtgesteld. Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz ( audio) (Birán, 13 augustus 1926 – Havana, 25 november 2016) was een Cubaanse revolutionair en politicus, die de functie van minister-president van Cuba uitoefende van 1959 tot 1976, en vervolgens president was van 1976 tot 2008. Castro. tegen de belabberde gezondheidszorg in de VS, en het feit dat Cubaanse ballingen in Amerika niet het recht hebben hun familieleden in Cuba te bezoeken. From this time, the Castro culture develops jewellery of the Hallstatt type, but with a distinctive Mediterranean influence, especially in the production of feminine jewellery. The cities are surrounded by a number of smaller castros, some of which may have been defensive outposts of cities, such as Castro de Laundos, that was probably an outpost of Cividade de Terroso. As stated, while Bronze Age economy was based on the exploitation and exportation of mineral local resources, tin and copper and on mass production and long range distribution of prestige items, Iron Age economy was based on an economy of necessity goods,[18] as most items and productions were obtained in situ, or interchanged thought short range commerce. Alessio Castro-Montes (Tongeren, 17 mei 1997) is een Belgisch-Spaans voetballer die bij voorkeur als aanvallende middenvelder speelt. Vele Cubanen ontvluchtten hun land, onder meer naar Miami. Op 15 augustus 2006 werden beelden getoond waarbij Castro alweer aan de beterende hand was. [16] But only after the Romans defeated the Asturians and Cantabrians in 19 BCE is evident—through inscriptions, numismatic and other archaeological findings—the submission of the local powers to Rome. In the southern coastal areas the presence of Mediterranean merchants from the 6th century BC onward, would have occasioned an increase in social inequality, bringing many importations (fine pottery, fibulae, wine, glass and other products) and technological innovations, such as round granite millstones, which would have merged with the Atlantic local traditions. Five main types are produced, all of them in granite stone:[29], Pedra Formosa, Castro das Eiras, Vila Nova de Famalicão. Op 15 oktober 1962 werd de bouw hiervan opgemerkt door Amerikaanse Lockheed U-2-verkenningsvliegtuigen. Castro. More numerous are the votive inscriptions dedicated to the autochthonous Cosus, Bandua, Nabia, and Reue. From the beginning of the first millennium, the network appears to collapse, possibly because the Iron Age had outdated the Atlantic tin and bronze products in the Mediterranean region, and the large-scale production of metallic items was reduced to the elaboration of axes and tools, which are still found buried in very large quantities all along the European Atlantic coast. Na een mislukte gewapende aanval op de Moncadakazerne in 1953 zat Castro een jaar in de gevangenis en verbleef hij vervolgens in ballingschap in Mexico. Velen hiervan bevinden zich nu in Miami ("Klein Havana"). [3], The Castro culture emerged during the first two centuries of the first millennium BCE, in the region extending from the Douro river up to the Minho, but soon expanding north along the coast, and east following the river valleys,[4] reaching the mountain ranges which separate the Atlantic coast of the Iberian peninsula from the central plateau or meseta. Izena. Se on erityisesti Portugalissa suosittu koirarotu poliisin työssä. The religious pantheon was extensive, and included local and pan-Celtic gods. 2006an 30.000 biztanle zituen, eta 96,7 kilometro koadro ditu. Ricardo Castro Pinto (1916 – 2001), peruánsky hudobník a herec Alicia Castrová (* 1949), argentínska diplomatka Juanita Castrová (* 1933), kubánska aktivistka žijúca v USA This space was mostly left void, non urbanised, and used for communal activities, comprising a few circular, oblong, or rounded squared huts, of 5 to 15 meters (16–49 ft) in the largest dimension,[9] built with wood, vegetable materials and mud, sometimes reinforced with stony low walls. In 1965 werd hij de eerste secretaris van de nieuw opgerichte communistische partij. Nabia had double invocation, one male and one female. De Verenigde Staten bestempelde de opstelling van Sovjetkernwapens 90 mijl ten zuiden van Amerika als een "agressieve daad" en een bedreiging voor de veiligheid van de Verenigde Staten. [19] They also grew beans, peas and cabbage, and flax for fabric and clothes production; other vegetables were collected: nettle, watercress. Castro Verde is a town and a municipality of the Alentejo region of Portugal. Met behulp van zijn broer Raúl Castro en Che Guevara verzamelde hij een groep van Cubaanse revolutionairen: de Beweging van de 26ste juli. Many of them also presented an inner and upper walled space, relatively large and scarcely urbanised, called acrópole by local scholars. The artificial defences were initially composed of earthen walls, battlements and ditches, which enclosed an inner habitable space. At the same time, these houses and groups tended to occupy most of the internal room of the hill-forts, reducing the communitarian open spaces, which in turn would have been substituted by other facilities such as saunas,[13] communitarian halls, and shared forges. Hallstatt D, dated by means of its fibulae from 525 to 470 BC (...) contributed the techniques of stamping and inlaying, and items considered to be masculine: torcs, bracelets, diadems, and amulets. Bandua, Reue and Nabia were worshipped in the core area of Lusitania (including Northern Extremadura to Beira Baixa and Northern Lusitania) and reaching inland Galicia, the diffusion of these gods throughout the whole of the northern interior area shows a cultural continuity with Central Lusitania. A familia Castro é unha liñaxe sobre cuxa orixe pesan varias teorías, unha das cales situaría á rama galega dos Castro como descendentes do rei García de Galicia (1042-1090). Pottery was produced locally in a variety of styles, although wealthier people also possessed imported Mediterranean products. Castro metallurgy refined the metals from ores and cast them to make various tools. Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz (August 13, 1926 – November 25, 2016) was a Cuban revolutionary and politician. Large quantities of acorns have been found hoarded in most hill-forts, as they were used for bread production once toasted and crushed in granite stone mills. Castro liet op 20 januari 2007 aan de Venezolaanse president Hugo Chávez, zijn naaste bondgenoot, de boodschap overbrengen dat hij voor zijn leven vocht. [25] Some 120 gold torcs are known, produced in three main regional styles[26] frequently having large, void terminals, containing little stones which allowed them to be also used as rattles. De positie van Castro werd door de crisis versterkt: de VS zouden geen invasie van Cuba meer steunen. Castro on Chilen kolmanneksi vanhin jatkuvasti asuttuna pysynyt kaupunki.. Chilen väliaikaisena kuvernöörinä toiminut Rodrigo de Quiroga käynnisti vuonna 1567 vävynsä Martin Ruiz de Gamboan johtaman kampanjan Chiloén saaren valloittamiseksi ja siellä asuvien cuncojen rauhoittamisesti, ja samassa yhteydessä perustettiin Castron kaupunki. Critici beschuldigden hem er echter van een dictator te zijn die meerdere mensenrechten schond. [1][2] This cultural area extended east to the Cares river and south into the lower Douro river valley. Hij leidde een succesvolle guerrillaoorlog tegen Batista's troepen, die zelf op de vlucht sloeg en in 1959 in ballingschap ging. (Portugal), Pedra Formosa, Citânia de Briteiros. [5] De helft van de Cubaanse varkensstapel moest ingeënt worden om de ziekte te beperken. [35] From the beginning of our era a few Latin inscriptions are known where some individuals declare themselves princeps or ambimogidus of a certain populi or civitas. (ed.) In 1971 smokkelden anti-castristen die financieel gesteund werden door de CIA, een varkensgriepvirus Cuba in. [28][29] These same motifs were also extensively used in stone decoration. He was Prime Minister of Cuba from 1959 to 1976, and President from 1976 to 2008. O Hallstatt D, datado polas fíbulas entre 525 e 470 a.C., (...) vai aportar a técnica do estampado e repuxado, e xoias, consideradas no Noroeste masculinas, como torques, brazaletes, diademas e amuletos. Als gevolg van een generaal pardon kwam hij in mei 1955 vrij, waarna hij in ballingschap ging in Mexico en de Verenigde Staten. De gemeente telt 70.810 inwoners (schatting 2010). [43] Other similar anthroponymical patterns are known referring mostly to persons born in the regions in-between the rivers Navia in Asturias and Douro in Portugal, the ancient Gallaecia, among them: A votive sacrificial axe, ornate with torcs. Funerary rites are mostly unknown except at few places, such as Cividade de Terroso, where cremation was practised. Castro is a city and commune on Chiloé Island in Chile. Deze invasie had het doel het socialistische bewind onder Fidel Castro omver te werpen, en een volksopstand tegen Castro te ontketenen. The votive altars containing this dedications frequently present three holes for gifts or sacrifices. Castro werd geboren in de Cubaanse provincie Oriente, tegenwoordig onderdeel van de provincie Holguín, op een suikerplantage als derde kind van een welgestelde boer, Ángel Castro y Argiz, een Spaanse immigrant die door hard werken in de suikerindustrie rijkdom had verworven, en Lina Ruz González, een bediende. (Portugal), A sculpted stone reused in a 6th-century Suevic church in Dume, Braga (Portugal), Old reused stone slab, now in exposition in Formigueiros, Amoeiro, Galicia. Küba devriminin önderlerinden efsanevi devrimci Fidel Castro 1995 yılında Türkiye’ye gelmişti. Cividade de Bagunte (Portugal) was one of the largest cities with 50 hectares. Castro mao ang usa ka siyudad ug sa mga komyun sa taga Tsile isla sa Chiloé Island.Castro mao ang kaulohan sa lalawigan sa Chiloé, sa Los Lagos Region.Ang siyudad nahimutang sa Estero de Castro sa silangan nga bahin sa baybayon sa sentro sa Chiloé Island [20], The second pillar of local economy was animal husbandry. There is a cividade toponym in Braga, a citadel established by Augustus, although there are no archaeological findings apart from an ancient parish name and pre-Roman baths. Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz kommunista politikus, 1965–2008 között Kuba első számú vezetője: az ország és a minisztertanács elnöke, pártvezér. [34] Northern Gallaeci (Lucenses) were divided into 16 populi or tribes: Lemavi, Albiones, Cibarci, Egivarri Namarini, Adovi, Arroni, Arrotrebae, Celtici Neri, Celtici Supertamarci, Copori, Celtici Praestamarci, Cileni, Seurri, Baedui. It is home to a large fossil-fuel powered power plant managed … Hoewel numeriek zwaar in de minderheid behaalde zij een aantal indrukwekkende overwinningen, gedeeltelijk omdat soldaten van Batista zich vaak massaal overgaven of deserteerden. Luzia, Areosa, Portugal, Baths or sauna at Punta dos Prados hill-fort, Ortigueira, Galicia, Partial view of a castro at Coaña, Asturias, Citânia de Sanfins, Paços de Ferreira, Portugal, A romanized castro, at Viladonga, Castro de Rei, Galicia. Diadem from Moñes (Piloña, Asturias). Onderdeel van zijn slotpleidooi was "La historia me absolverá" ("De geschiedenis zal mij vrijspreken"), een rede waarin hij zijn daden verdedigde en zijn politieke standpunten uitlegde. Pliny the Elder. The main products include tools (sickles, hoes, ploughs, axes), domestic items (knives and cauldrons), and weapons (antenna swords, spearheads). p. 140-144. Castro is the capital of the Chiloé Province in the Los Lagos Region. Sinds het bewind van Castro hebben ongeveer één miljoen Cubanen hun land verlaten om politieke of economische redenen. Fidel Castro was dus afkomstig uit de Cubaanse burgerij. De gemeente grenst aan Piraí do Sul, Doutor Ulysses, Cerro Azul, Rio Branco do Sul, Itaperuçu, Campo Largo, Ponta Grossa, Carambeí en Tibagi . De vijf jaar jongere Raúl Castro werd op 24 februari 2008 tot president verkozen. [24] Castro Urdiales Liendo , Guriezo , Turtzioz , Artzentales , Sopuerta és Muskiz községekkel határos. Castro culture (Galician: cultura castrexa, Portuguese: cultura castreja, Asturian: cultura castriega, Spanish: cultura castreña, meaning "culture of the hill-forts") is the archaeological term for the material culture of the north-western regions of the Iberian Peninsula (present-day northern Portugal together with Galicia, Asturias and western parts of Castile and León) from the end of the Bronze Age (c. 9th century … Zijn betrokkenheid bij de omverwerping van Batista, evenals de vermoedelijke relatie met de Sovjet Premier Nikita Chroesjtsjov, alarmeerde de Verenigde Staten waarna de CIA een mislukte invasie in de Varkensbaai in 1961 organiseerde om zijn regering omver te werpen. Under Roman influence the tribes or populi apparently ascended to a major role, at the expense of the minor entities. González Ruibal, Alberto (2004) p. 154-155. cf. Hij kreeg zijn opleiding aan jezuïetenscholen, waaronder het Colegio Belen in Havana. Castro culture (Galician: cultura castrexa, Portuguese: cultura castreja, Asturian: cultura castriega, Spanish: cultura castreña, meaning "culture of the hill-forts") is the archaeological term for the material culture of the north-western regions of the Iberian Peninsula (present-day northern Portugal together with Galicia, Asturias and western parts of Castile and León) from the end of the Bronze Age (c. 9th century BC) until it was subsumed by Roman culture (c. 1st century BC). Votive inscription to Cosus: COSOV DAVINIAGO Q(uintus) V() C() EX VOTO (, The Canary Islands were not occupied by the Romans, the peoples of these islands until the arrival of the Castilians were the, In 2006 a 9th-century BCE fortified factory for bronze production was discovered, and destroyed after being briefly studied, in Punta Langosteira, near modern day, “Now some of the peoples that dwell next to the Durius River live, it is said, after the manner of the Laconians—using anointing-rooms twice a day and taking baths in vapours that rise from heated stones, bathing in cold water, and eating only one meal a day; and that in a cleanly and simple way.” (Strabo, III.3.3). Geheel of gedeeltelijk geschreven door Fidel Castro, Bibsys: 90069044Biblioteca Nacional de España: XX1046918Bibliothèque nationale de France: cb11885942z (data)Catàleg d'autoritats de noms i títols de Catalunya: a10598455CiNii: DA00617452Gemeinsame Normdatei: 118519654International Standard Name Identifier: 0000 0001 2145 8756Library of Congress Control Number: n80039693Nationale Bibliotheek van Letland: 000075673MusicBrainz: 8f9f6f48-5a06-4825-8fc2-c82203cf9af7National Archives and Records Administration: 10580250Bibliotheek van het Japanse parlement: 00435513Nationale Bibliotheek van Tsjechië: jn19990001367Nationale bibliotheek van Australië: 35026565Nationale Bibliotheek van Israël: 000029253Nationale en Universitaire bibliotheek Zagreb: 000095837Nederlandse Thesaurus van Auteursnamen Persoon ID: 069043515RÉRO (Réseau des bibliothèques de Suisse occidental): 02-A003083595Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico: IT\ICCU\BVEV\010794LIBRIS: 180596SNAC: w6hb9v88Système universitaire de documentation: 026651920Trove: 800166Virtual International Authority File: 102325430 WorldCat Identities (via VIAF): 102325430, mislukte invasie in de Varkensbaai in 1961, Revolutionaire Beweging van de 26ste juli, Muere Fidel Castro a la edad de 90 años - RT, Global Security; The Spirit Of Moncada: Fidel Castro's Rise To Power, 1953 - 1959, UNHCR; QUESTION DE LA VIOLATION DES DROITS DE L’HOMME ET DES LIBERTÉS FONDAMENTALES, OÙ QU’ELLE SE PRODUISE DANS LE MONDE, Forbes; Billionaires; Kings, Queens & Despots, 17 maart 2003, Forbes; Billionaires; Royals & Rulers, 15 maart 2004, Forbes; Faces In The News; Castro: Millionaire Cuban Leader Boosts Welfare Payments, 1 april 2005, Nouvelobs; Fidel Castro dément être riche,, Catàleg d'autoritats de noms i títols de Catalunya, National Archives and Records Administration, Nationale en Universitaire bibliotheek Zagreb, Nederlandse Thesaurus van Auteursnamen Persoon ID,, Wikipedia:Lokale afbeelding anders dan op Wikidata, Wikipedia:Artikel mist referentie sinds augustus 2010, Wikipedia:Alle artikelen die een referentie missen, Creative Commons Naamsvermelding/Gelijk delen. In 2010 sprak hij opnieuw het parlement toe.[10]. Hij werd door zijn aanhangers geprezen als een voorvechter van anti-imperialisme, humanisme, milieuactivisme en 's werelds armen en werd bewonderd voor het leiden van het verzet tegen het imperialisme. Over this basis worked a Mediterranean current, bringing filigree, granulate and new type of items considered to be feminine: earrings and collars.' De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1942 door Schmitt. De spanningen tussen Castro en de Verenigde Staten liepen hoog op tijdens de Cubaanse raketcrisis van 1962, die de Verenigde Staten en de Sovjet-Unie bijna tot een confrontatie brachten. Partner: Mirta Diaz-Balart (1948-1955), Dalia Soto del Valle (1980-2016) Southern Gallaecians (Bracareses), comprising the area of the oppida, were composed of 24 civitates: Helleni, Grovi, Leuni, Surbi, Bracari, Interamnici, Limici, Querquerni, Coelerni, Tamagani, Bibali, Callaeci, Equasei, Caladuni... Each populi or civitas was composed of a number of castella, each one comprehending one or more hill-forts or oppida, by themselves an autonomous political chiefdom, probably under the direction of a chief and a senate. Gallaecians bred cattle for meat, milk and butter production; they also used oxen for dragging carts and ploughs,[21] while horses were used mainly for human transportation. Manuel Leuterio de Castro Jr. (born July 6, 1949), better known as Noli de Castro or "Kabayan" Noli de Castro, is a Filipino journalist, politician and was elected as senator in 2001 and as the 12th Vice President of the Philippines from 2004 until 2010, under the presidency of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. Daarna leidde hij de transformatie van Cuba in een socialistische republiek door nationalisering van de industrie en de invoering van gratis universele gezondheidszorg en onderwijs. Castro is een gemeente in de Chileense provincie Chiloé in de regio Los Lagos. "Castro" Single by Yo Gotti featuring Kanye West, Big Sean, 2 Chainz and Quavo; Hij diende ook als eerste secretaris van de Communistische Partij van Cuba vanaf de stichting van de partij in 1961 tot 2011. Born in Norway, Castro represents the Chile national team. Other metal artefacts include antenna-hilted swords and knives, Montefortino helmets with local decoration and sacrificial or votive axes with depictions of complex sacrificial scenes (similar to classical suovetaurilia), with torcs, cauldrons, weapons, animals of diverse species and string-like motifs.[27]. Tijdens de Koude Oorlog werden vele geheime en dodelijke aanvallen tegen Cuba uitgevoerd, om zo het land (en zijn regering) te verzwakken. Castro nam vervolgens het marxisme-leninisme over als zijn leidende ideologie en in 1961 riep hij het socialistische karakter uit van de Cubaanse Revolutie. É o único que se conserva como museo en toda a costa cantábrica galega [Cómpre referencia Morfoloxía. Op 17 april 1961 bevorderde en steunde de CIA de invasie van 1300 à 1400 Cubaanse ballingen op Bahía Cochinos (de invasie in de Varkensbaai). [10], Since the beginning of the 6th century BCE the Castro culture experienced an inner expansion: hundreds of new hill-forts were founded, while some older small ones were abandoned for new emplacements. Castro werd op 16 februari 1959 premier van Cuba en op 3 december 1976 president. While the 1st century BCE represents an era of expansion and maturity for the Castro Culture, under Roman influence and with the local economy apparently powered more than hindered by Roman commerce and wars, during the next century the control of Roma became political and military, and for the first time in more than a millennium new unfortified settlements were established in the plains and valleys, at the same time that numerous hill-forts and cities were abandoned. During the transition of the Bronze to the Iron Age, from the Douro in modern northern Portugal and up along the coasts of Galicia[7] until the central regions of Asturias, the settlement in artificially fortified places substituted the old open settlement model. Verder was hij tegen het innemen van de Cubaanse economie door Amerikaanse multinationals,[bron?] These villages were closely related to the open settlements which characterized the first Bronze Age, frequently established near the valleys and the richer agricultural lands. Montalto di Castro on kunta Italiassa Latiumin alueella olevassa Viterbon maakunnassa. Het was zijn bedoeling om voor de Partido Ortodoxo, die sociale hervormingen nastreefde, mee te doen aan de parlementsverkiezingen van 1952, maar die werden afgelast na de geslaagde staatsgreep van generaal Fulgencio Batista tegen de regering van Carlos Prío Socarrás. Paus Johannes XXIII excommuniceerde Castro op 3 januari 1962, in de ijdele hoop de katholieke Cubanen tegen hem op te zetten. He was educated in Mexico at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and has taught literature in both Mexico and El Salvador.He is the author of the historical novel El libro de los desvaríos, which won the first Certamen Centroamericano de Novela Salarrué in 1993. Cosus sites are found near settlements, such as in Sanfins and the settlement near A Coruña. The most notable characteristics of this culture are: its walled oppida and hill forts, known locally as castros, from Latin castrum "castle", and the scarcity of visible burial practices, in spite of the frequent depositions of prestige items and goods, swords and other metallic riches in rocky outcrops, rivers and other aquatic contexts since the Atlantic Bronze Age. Een rechtbank veroordeelde hem tot vijftien jaar cel. The name of some of the castles and oppida are known through the declaration of origin of persons mentioned in epitaphs and votive Latin inscriptions[36] (Berisamo, Letiobri, Ercoriobri, Louciocelo, Olca, Serante, Talabriga, Aviliobris, Meidunio, Durbede..), through the epithets of local Gods in votive altars (Alaniobrica, Berubrico, Aetiobrigo, Viriocelense...), and the testimony of classic authors and geographers (Adrobrica, Ebora, Abobrica, Nemetobriga, Brigantium, Olina, Caladunum, Tyde, Glandomirum, Ocelum...).