Exploiting Semantic Activity Labels to Facilitate Consistent Specialization of Abstract Process Activities In: Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science (SOFSEM 2015), Pec pod Snezkou, Czech Republic, January 24-29, 2015, Editor(s): G. F. Italiano et al., Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS Vol. BibTeX @MISC{Von_ageneric, author = {Eingereicht Von and Roland Richter and Eidesstattliche Erklärung and Roland Richter}, title = {A generic implementation of the data/view model Diplomarbeit zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades „Diplom-Ingenieur“ im Diplomstudium Technische Mathematik}, year = {}} ABSTRACT The distribution of decision making, the amount of responsibilities and the level of relationship management are issues, which franchising systems have to face during a cooperation. Because of the huge size of the systems, tools for static source code analysis are needed. Abstract. Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. Abstract (English) Industry 4.0 presents companies with the major challenge of recognizing new innovations and implementing them efficiently. The goal is to provide a pro- These hierarchies are homogeneous with respect to a common schema, defined by a single root node and prescribed for all sub-hierarchies, This opens up more and more possibilities for the user to gain addi-tional information for the song currently played. Abstract The issues of privatizati on (and sometimes deregulati on) have been reviewed in a large literature on the various aspect s of privatization, th at has em phasized It is crucial for the efficiency of compiled code. Moreover, these holonomic objects are closed under elementary operations like, for instance, addition or (termwise and Cauchy) multipli- Linz, 2017 Master thesis, JKU Linz, Institute for Pervasive Computing, November 2009, 90 pages, November 2009. ... JKU Linz, in cooperation with ACCM (Austrian Center of Com-petence in Mechatronics), a K2-Center of the COMET/K2 program of the Search across a wide variety of disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions. Abstract. Radikale Innovationen in Klein- und Mittelunternehmen / eingereicht von Birsan Alexandra. vorher: Diplomarbeit, Univ. House bank status and it's influencing factors on the reorganization process / Author Kerstin Stumbauer. Master Thesis: Mobiles haptisches Feedbacksystem (Portierung auf HTC Hero Smartphone) abstract , … Abstract Research in organic field effect transistors in the last two decades have lead to the major technological advancement as well as to fundamental research towards understanding charge transport, metal-organic semiconductor interface and organic semiconductor-dielectric Linz, April 2016 Abstract (German) Thema der Diplomarbeit: Lösungsstrategien bei Aufgaben zum räumlichen Vorstellungsvermögen Eyetracking als Indikation mentaler Prozesse Zielsetzung: Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, bei einem mit SchülerInnen durchgeführten Online-Test zum räumlichen Vorstellungsvermögen anhand von Eyetracking-Aufzeichnungen die verwendeten Lösungsstrategien herauszufinden. Hochschulschriften. Nachlassüberschuldung und (Schenkungs-)Pflichtteil / eingereicht von Martina Romana Danmayr. Hochschulschriften. The most commonly used algorithm treats the task of register allocation as a graph coloring problem. (5) Abstract The abstract is a short summary of the academic text. Abstract Computer supported performance analysis aims at musicians and musicologists in-vestigating performance-related aspects of music. Prof. Dr. Walter Majerotto Eingereicht von: Sebastian Frank Linz, Mai 2008 JohannesKeplerUniversit¨at Dr.techn. It is crucial for the efficiency of compiled code. Die Anwendungsprobleme in dieser Diplomarbeit werden vom ACCM (Austrian Center of Competence in Mechatronics) bereit gestellt. Advances in Wearable Computing 2009, Adjunct Proceedings of 13th International Symposium on Wearable Computing (ISWC'09), Demo/Poster abstract, books@ocg.at, Editors: Alois Ferscha, Gabriele Kotsis, Daniel Roggen, Lucy Dunne, Rene Mayrhofer, Antonio Krüger, Horst Hörtner, Sabine Seymour, Christa Sommerer, Andreas Riener, Austrian Computer Society (OCG), Vol. Daimler Benz Aerospace (DASA) has been developing software in the programming language Ada [ARM 83] and now wants to adapt their existing Ada 83 software systems to the new features of Ada 95. Abstract This work aims to show that the concept of stacked solar cells can be achieved with spin-cast organic polymers, paving the route to conjugated polymer based tandem solar cells. Abstract English Version: Nowadays computers start to replace the hi-fi system in living rooms all over the world. Diplomarbeit Revised Version - June 17, 2014 Computer Algebra and Analysis: Complex Variables Visualized Ausgefuhrt am Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC) der Johannes Kepler Universit at Linz unter Anleitung von Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Paule durch Thomas Ponweiser Stockfeld 15 4283 Bad Zell Datum Unterschrift Electroab-sorption (EA) is a method to directly and noninvasively probe the electric fleld inside the device. 248, 1 pages, ISBN: 978-3 … Linz, 2020 Der gläserne Mensch im Unionsrecht / eingereicht von: Daniela Schubert. Not only due to the fact that both sides franchisor and franchisee are separate enterprises, but also because they are independent from each other. eingereicht von: Patrick StummerZusammenfassung in deutscher SpracheUniversität Linz, Univ., Diplomarbeit, 201 Register allocation is the task of assigning local variables and temporary values to physical registers of a processor. Diese Diplomarbeit beschreibt das Design und die Implementierung eines verteilten Datenbankmanagementsystems (DBMS), das aus einem IBM DATABASE 2 MVS/ESA System (DB2/MVS) als Server und mehreren IBM DATABASE 2 OS/2 Systemen (DB2/2) als … Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Al tenberger Straße 69, 4040 Linz, Österreich, www.jku.at, DVR 0093696 Investigations on Im proving the SEE-GRID Optimization Algorithm Masterarbeit zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades Diplomingenieur im Masterstudium Technische Mathematik Angefertigt am Institut für Symbolisches Rechnen (RISC) Nr. Diplomarbeit zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades ... Abstract Holonomic functions and sequences have the property that they can be represented by a finite amount of information. Diplomarbeit zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades Diplomingenieur in der Studienrichtung TechnischePhysik Angefertigt am Institut fur Hochenergiephysik¨ OsterreichischeAkademie der Wissenschaften¨ Betreuung: Univ. Abstract. Abstract Register allocation is the task of assigning local variables and temporary values to physical registers of a processor. Register allocation is the task of assigning local variables and temporary values to physical registers of a processor. It contains the research question, outlines the methods applied for answering it, and informs about the basic findings. Hochschulschriften. Bielefeld 1982, von Meike Behrmann, Titel: Wandel der traditionellen Dorfgemeinschaft und Arbeitsmigration in einer s ditalienischen Agrargemeinde; Norbert Elias fungierte als Betreuer und Begutachter/ see also: Norbert Elias Archive (part 1), Inv. Linz, Oktober 2015 Thomas SchmidUniversität Linz, Diplomarbeit, 201 Diplomarbeit zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades Diplomingenieur ... Abstract Low bandgap polymers are of great interest for the use in ´bulk heterojunction´ solar cells to achieve higher power conversion efficiencies by better matching the solar spectrum and Eidesstattliche Erkl¨arung I Eidesstattliche Erkl¨arung Ich erkl¨are hiermit an Eides statt, dass ich die vorliegende Arbeit selbstst ¨andig und ohne fremde Hilfe verfasst, an eingereicht von Dipl.-Ing. Abstract. Hochschulschriften. (6) Text Please make sure that the topic of the seminar paper or thesis is answered and that all the chapters and 351-357 (Documents concerning graduations for which N. Elias acted as co-supervisor. Die vorliegende Diplomarbeit ... ematics held in the summer semester 2008 at JKU Linz. Abstract The diploma thesis is devoted to a conceptual modeling approach for hetero-homogeneous hi-erarchies with multiple levels of abstraction. Abstract The electric fleld across the active layer is an important parameter for several essential processes in organic semiconductor devices. Expatriate Assignments : comparison of Theory and Practice / Author: Ulrich Meindl. ... Diese Diplomarbeit beschreibt die Registerallokation nach dem Linear-Scan-Verfahren für eine Forschungs-Version des Compilers. One kind of information is the lyrics; that is what my diploma thesis deals with. Since a key component of every supportive computer environment is the user interface, presentational and inter-active aspects are of fundamental concern for the design and the implementation Linz, 2019 It is the driving force for efiects such as charge carrier mobility and current injection. Abstract. Using new 7 covers; Nr. The most commonly used algorithm treats the task of register allocation as a graph coloring problem. Hochschulschriften. The main problem thereby is the solving properties of the used materials, which tend to hamper the stacking of several layers onto each other.