Dr. Olaf Christiansen The Certified Compliance & Ethics Professional (CCEP)® is someone with knowledge of relevant regulations and expertise in compliance processes sufficient to assist organizations in understanding and addressing legal obligations, and promote organizational integrity through the operation of effective compliance programs. The Bertelsmann Family Feud Ethics Game Training Program is a groundbreaking and innovative employee training program unlike any other. In seiner neuen Funktion wird Götz an den Bertelsmann-Vorstandsvorsitzenden Dr. Thomas Rabe berichten. 24/7/365. Bertelsmann has established a comprehensive “Integrity & Compliance” program. Our business partners can rely on Bertelsmann to act with integrity and be a legally compliant and ethical trading partner. Dies sind die Ziele des Integrity & Compliance-Programms von Bertelsmann: Unterstützung der Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA inklusive Tochterunternehmen bei der Einhaltung von Gesetzen, Vorschriften und Unternehmensrichtlinien; Förderung einer ethischen Unternehmenskultur, die im Einklang mit den Grundwerten und Prinzipien der Bertelsmann Essentials und des Bertelsmann Code of Conduct steht; Stärkung vertrauensvoller Beziehungen zu unseren Geschäftspartnern, die erwarten, dass sie sich auf Bertelsmann als rechtskonform handelnden Geschäftspartner verlassen können. The company converted its hit game show The Family Feud into an Ethics Game with competing Bertelsmann families battling it out to become the “Bertelsmann Ethics Champion.” Its recommendations and suggestions, in addition to the … We encourage our employees to speak up freely and without fear of retaliation. Die operative Zuständigkeit für Compliance im Bertelsmann-Konzern liegt bei der Abteilung Ethics & Compliance (E&C), zu deren Aufgaben unter anderem die Durchführung von Schulungen und die Sichtung der über die verschiedenen Hinweisgeberkanäle eingegangenen Hinweise und die Koordination der Ermittlungen gehören. In 2013, a revised edition of the Code was published. Das Bertelsmann Ethics & Compliance-Programm orientiert sich an maßgeblichen Standards für Compliance-Management-Systeme und trägt als Regelkreislauf in vielfältiger Weise zur Risikobegrenzung bei. Germany's legal code supplies the framework within which the Bertelsmann Stiftung conducts its nonprofit activities. Bertelsmann has established an extensive Integrity & Compliance program. Bertelsmann published the first Bertelsmann Code of Conduct in 2008 as a binding guideline for law-abiding and responsible conduct within the company. Dieses Programm beruht insbesondere auf einer Compli- ance-Organisation, dem Monitoring von Compliance … Ethics and compliance departments must work to combine rules with corporate systems and processes that reduce opportunities for employee misconduct. Angestellt, Senior Vice President, Bertelsmann Ethics & Compliance Executive, Bertelsmann AG New York , Vereinigte Staaten Logg Dich ein, um alle Einträge zu sehen. Based on the Bertelsmann Essentials, the cornerstone document is the Bertelsmann Code of Conduct, which sets out the commitment to ethical and lawful conduct for all employees. Es gehört zu den Bertelsmann-Grundsätzen sicherzustellen, dass die Geschäftstätigkeit des Konzerns jederzeit im Einklang mit den allgemeinen Regeln des Kartellrechts steht. Angestellt, Referentin Human Resources (Schwerpunkt Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung), Bertelsmann Stiftung DE , Deutschland Logg Dich ein, um alle Einträge zu sehen. -Nadai, CIB Group > Being able to speak freely helps to prevent misconduct, and to detect and correct it, should it occur. Bertelsmann commits to equal opportunities and promotes a work environment that is characterized by respect and tolerance. Depending on the outcome, the Bertelsmann Compliance Man-agement System might be adjusted and expanded, to further reduce detected , if required risks. Ethics should be an integral part of compliance." Das Programm macht deutlich, welche Bedeutung Bertelsmann Fragen der Gesetzestreue und der gesellschaftlichen Verantwortung beimisst. Themen sind dabei unter anderem: Gegenstand im Code of Conduct des Medienunternehmens Bertelsmann sind auch diejenigen Gesetze und Regelungen, die für das Unternehmen zum Beispiel aufgrund seiner Produkte relevant sind. More detailed guidelines have been issued on key issues such as anticorruption, antitrust law, foreign trade and compliance by business partners. 402 Creating and Sustaining a Viable Ethics Ambassador Community: Inspiration & Perspiration –Ruth N. Steinholtz, Values Based Business Ethics Advisor, AretéWork LLP 17:158:30 – 1Networking Reception. bertelsmann.com Im Jahr 2002 hat Bertelsmann in Nordamerika Für Bertelsmann spielt der Umgang mit Informationen und geistigem Eigentum eine Rolle, weshalb dieser Aspekt auch im Code of Conduct festgehalten wird. Bertelsmann Code of Conduct. Zur Gewährleistung von Compliance hat der Vorstand eine Compliance-Organisation und ein Integrity & Compliance-Programm etabliert. Employees are fully trained and advised, and compliance … Carsten Tams Effective compliance communication Agenda 1. Corporate Governance at Bertelsmann The German Corporate Governance Code in the version dated May 5, 2015, sets out key statutory requirements concerning the management and monitoring of German listed companies and contains relevant international and national standards for good and responsible corporate management and governance. Strategic Development In 2014, the Bertelsmann Group Management Commit-tee dealt with the topic of Corporate Responsibility twice. Regelmäßige Schulungsmaßnahmen informieren über geltende Gesetze und Richtlinien. Employees are comprehensively trained and advised. supporting Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA and its subsidiaries in maintaining compliance with laws, regulations and company policies; promoting an ethical culture consistent with the values and principles stated in the Bertelsmann Essentials and the Bertelsmann Code of Conduct and building mutually trusting relationships with business partners who expect that they can rely on Bertelsmann as a partner that conforms to the law. Er folgt auf Dr. Ulrich Koch, der Ende 2013 planmäßig ausscheidet. Die Kontinuität und ständige Weiterentwicklung unseres Unternehmens hängen maßgeblich von unserem Bekenntnis We encourage and expect Bechtel employees to speak up if they become aware of any unlawful or unethical conduct. The Bertelsmann Family Feud Ethics Game Training Program is a groundbreaking and innovative employee training program unlike any other. Dr. Olaf Christiansen Dies sind die Ziele des Integrity & Compliance-Programms von Bertelsmann: Unterstützung der Bertelsmann … Bertelsmann ensures systematic compliance with all applicable Foreign Trade Law provisions by using a company-wide Trade Compliance Management System (BeTrade Compliance). Integrity & Compliance bei Bertelsmann und Senior Vice President Compliance bei RTL Group Bielefeld und Umgebung. In den USA wird heute Compliance & Ethics in einem Atemzug ausgesprochen. Bertelsmann is committed to actively preventing corruption in all forms. Compliance … Based on the Bertelsmann Essentials, the document underlying it is the Bertelsmann Code of Conduct, which codifies mandatory ethical and lawful conduct for all employees. Ethics and compliance standards are complementary, but ethics and compliance are not interchangeable. Our Core Values Communication on Progress 2014 5. > Compliance with all applicable local, national and interna-tional laws and regulations wherever we do business is criti-cally important to the success of our companies worldwide. Ethics & Compliance Das Ethics & Compliance-Programm von Bertelsmann stellt die logische Fortsetzung einer über Jahrzehnte hinweg gewachsenen und bewährten Form der Unternehmens-führung dar, die Fragen der Gesetzestreue und der gesell-schaftlichen Verantwortung große Bedeutung beimisst. The Bertelsmann Supplier Code of Conduct requires all Bertelsmann business partners who act for, together with or on behalf of the company to observe minimum legally compliant and ethical standards. Retaliation against employees who raise good-faith concerns about misconduct occur-ring in the company is prohibited. The Ethics & Compliance Department is responsible for the day-to-day work to ensure compliance, implementing Board-mandated compliance initiatives and managing the whistleblowing systems. Während in den USA die Verbindung zwischen Compliance und Ethik sehr eng gesehen wird („Compliance & Ethics“), ist diese Sichtweise in Deutschland nach wie vor sehr umstritten. It is Bertelsmann’s policy to ensure that its business practices comply at all times with the general rules of antitrust law. It applies for all Bertelsmann employees around the world. Bertelsmann Ethics & Compliance Question Title * The training informed me well about my company's position on complying with laws and regulations. Bertelsmann Ethics & Compliance Question Title * Ich fühle mich durch die Schulung gut darüber informiert, welche Haltung das Unternehmen zur Einhaltung von Gesetzen und Vorschriften vertritt. At Bertelsmann our employees, business partners, and customers will always find an open door when they adress concerns. Integrating ethics and compliance into a company’s business culture is the most effective way of ensuring that business operations are compliant wherever they operate in the world. To ensure compliance, the executive board has established a compliance organization and an Integrity & Compliance program. The Global Ethics and Compliance practice group is responsible for the administration of our Global Compliance Program. A Legal & Compliance staff member Your Human Resources Business Partner compliance@airbus com Mail: Airbus Ethics & Compliance 2 Rond-Point Emile Dewoitine BP 90112 31703 Blagnac cedex - France In addition to Legal & Compliance staff, Airbus has a network of part-time Ethics & Compliance Representatives (ECRs), spanning all Divisions, Much of the focus for compliance relies on instruction and the corporation’s definition of appropriate procedures. Communication requirements Das Programm macht deutlich, welche Bedeutung Bertelsmann Fragen der Gesetzestreue und der gesellschaftlichen Verantwortung beimisst. Rafael Roldão. Anne Karthaus. Bertelsmann has established an extensive Integrity & Compliance program. Anne Karthaus Senior Director Corporate HR & Bertelsmann Investments bei Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA Gütersloh. 1 Statement from the Bertelsmann Executive Board on the importance of the Code of Conduct 2 Principles 2.1 General requirements 2.1.1 Compliance with the law 2.1.2 Freedom to speak without fear of retaliation 2.1.3 Mutual trust & respect 2.1.4 Conflicts of interest 2.1.5 Protection of company assets & … The Bertelsmann Stiftung and its organizational bodies act in accordance with all applicable laws. Further guidelines were issued on key topics such as anti-corruption, antitrust legislation, external transactions and compliance by business partners. Die systematische Einhaltung aller anwendbaren außenwirtschaftsrechtlichen Vorschriften wird für Bertelsmann durch ein konzernweites Trade-Compliance-Management-System (BeTrade Compliance) sichergestellt. The Bertelsmann Integrity & Compliance program pursues the following goals: Legal compliance. Carsten Tams served as Senior Vice President of Ethics & Compliance at Bertelsmann for nearly a decade. The Code of Conduct serves as a common guideline for lawful and ethical behavior within the company as well as toward business partners and the public. In the words of CEO Thomas Rabe, the Code of Conduct underscores Bertelsmann's "commitment to full compliance with all relevant laws and … Supply Chain Compliance ist mit all seinen Facetten aber nicht nur ein Leistungsangebot für unsere Kunden. This is codified in the Bertelsmann Essentials, which outline the goals and basic values of how we conduct our business, while the Bertelsmann Code of Conduct provides further detail. tain high standards of ethical conduct and act responsi-bly toward society and the environment. Unsere Geschäftspartner können sich auf Bertelsmann als integren, rechtskonform und ethisch handelnden Partner verlassen. This program highlights the importance for Bertelsmann of complying with laws, regulations and social responsibility. Bertelsmann setzt sich aktiv für die Bekämpfung von Korruption ein. Each of us must use common sense and judgement in applying these principles, refer to existing rules and guidelines, and seek advice either from management or from the relevant VP Human Resources and/or the General Counsel and/or the SVP Ethics & Compliance, if in doubt. Dedicated to building trust and organizational integrity worldwide, the ECOA is the most-respected group of ethics and compliance practitioners in the world. This program reflects our core values of integrity and respect, and empowers […] By gathering those new to the field along with seasoned professionals, the ECOA facilitates peer-to-peer learning and helps to foster a global commitment to business ethics and integrity. This compliance with legal requirements includes the observance and fulfillment of contractual agreements. Information about the international media enterprise and it's corporate divisions RTL Group, Penguin Random House, Gruner + Jahr, Arvato; detailed information for journalists in the Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA's Press Center as well as everything about Corporate Responsibility activities at Bertelsmann. Integration of Ethics and Compliance into the Bertling Business. According to Carsten Tams, head of Bertelsmann's Ethics & Compliance Department, the process has gotten off to a successful start: many Bertelsmann employees around the world who have been invited to take part in the training to date have done so, and the feedback has been positive. 10 www.ethics.bertelsmann.com 11 We comply with all applicable local, national and international laws and regulations wherever we do business. Compliance with the law Bertelsmann Code of Conduct. The Bertelsmann Ethics & Compliance program assists the company and its subsidiaries in maintaining compliance with laws, regulations and company policies and … Clause 49 (V) also requires the CEO/CFO to certify and accept the responsibility for establishing and maintaining internal controls. The Bertelsmann Ethics & Compliance program is based on the relevant standards for compliance management systems and contributes toward mitigating risks in various ways. [...] established an "Ethics & Compliance Program" in North America and created the position of Chief Ethics & Compliance Officer. "No. Bei Arvato Supply Chain Solutions verpflichten wir uns generell zu einem gesetzeskonformen und ethisch verantwortungsvollen Handeln gemäß dem Bertelsmann Code of Conduct.

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