Links zu Martin Hermida Webprofil PH Schwyz Masterstudiengang Fachdidaktik Medien und Informatik Links zu Peter … Getränke und Essen müssen sitzend konsumiert werden. Should you like to get such help – completely free of charge - please get in touch with counsellingremove-this. The library, canteen, student shop and university sports have their own protection concepts, approved by the university, which must be observed when entering their premises. For details, see "Information for Students". The special regulation on working hours and time sheets was discontinued at the end of July 2020. must clean hands regularly with soap and water or with disinfectant on arrival, must clean hands with soap and water or with disinfectant before and after: each session, each over-the-counter meeting, each lesson in a lecture hall, seminar room or meeting room, after reading newspapers and other published brochures. Studierende der PH Luzern müssen in jedem Fall eine Maske tragen, unabhängig vom Abstand. In case you need any help regarding the library's inventory and its use, please contact the information desk on the first floor of the Uni/PH-Building. Reconstitute with 50ul sterile ddH2O. This means that items from the lockers must be collected by Saturday, December 19, 3:30 p.m. at the latest. Keep your distance and wear an oronasal face mask. If the epidemiological situation permits, courses in the second half of the semester, i.e. A comprehensive obligation to war oronasal face masks still applies. Driven by intellectual creativity and critical thinking since 1479, researchers and students at the University of Copenhagen have expanded horizons and contributed to moving the world forward. There will be no physical program. Gültigkeit hat immer die an dieser Stelle aufgeschaltete, stets aktuelle Version. OG, etc. There are to be no aperitifs, coffee breaks, lunch breaks or Christmas celebrations etc. Further information (FOPH), For people who have symptoms and are unsure how to behave, the FOPH has provided an online tool. Remote, individual sessions over the internet are offered in English, French or Italian. To obtain exceptional permission to enter and stay, an application must be submitted to the head of the Corona working group (Prof. Markus Ries) and a statement from the designated person responsible for health issues in the Corona working group (Dr. Christian Schirlo) must be enclosed. Auf gesellige Anlässe ist vollständig zu verzichten. Official information from the authorities: University of Lucerne Frohburgstrasse 3 P.O. Gratis! People who enter the building without an oronasal face mask or who are not wearing a mask will be immediately expelled from the building, and they will be banned from the building if they do so again. Whenever possible, employees work from home. Die PH Luzern bietet Online-Kurse an für potenzielle Stellvertretungen. The SwissCovid App supports this: It determines if we have had contact with an infected person. The obligation to wear an oronasal face mask for the mouth and nose is excluded for the following persons/circumstances: How to behave if you experience any symptoms and the quarantine rules are defined in chapter 3.1 of the protection concept. The modalities of the compensation of disadvantages are regulated by the respective faculties. The latest changes are not yet integrated in the concepts listed here. Oktober 2020 finden alle Veranstaltungen in der Ausbildung der PH Luzern wieder vollständig ohne physische Präsenz statt. The main changes are: Furthermore, the adjustments that came into force at the beginning of last week continue to apply: As the number of cases increases, the risk of becoming infected oneself or coming into contact with infected persons or having to go into quarantine increases. Under the special regulation, employees were able to enter their planned working hours even if they were unable to do so due to corona-related care tasks or too little work. 02.11.2020 «Corona kann Dein ganzes Leben auf den Kopf stellen»: Kampagne ruft Bevölkerung auf, vorsichtig zu bleiben; Oktober 2020. limit their contact with students and visitors to a minimum. The library closes earlier Monday through Friday, at 6:30 p.m. each day. For these students, the possibility of corona-related compensation for disadvantages has been revived. Dies ist der offizielle Facebook-Account der Stadtverwaltung Luzern. Students will therefore not have access to workstations in the Uni/PH building. Since 6 July 2020, quarantine obligations have been imposed on travellers from certain areas. must avoid touching the surfaces of objects. Please observe the recommendations of the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) regarding the coronavirus: Masks must be worn in the public areas of the library. For questions about quarantine regulations, the cantonal medical service is responsible in each respective canton. This enables us to stop transmission chains. See the map, stats, and news for areas affected by COVID-19 on Google News Wir beleuchten im Gespräch, welche Auswirkungen dies auf die Schule hat und was man als Lehrperson dabei beachten kann. The oronasal face mask must be worn until seated and may only be removed for consumption. Until further notice, all courses will be held digitally only. Employees who are ill, have tested positive for coronavirus or show typical symptoms (especially fever and/or cough) report immediately to their supervisor and stay at home. Affected students should contact their course directors or the faculty student advisory services. Suchergebnisse Due to regulatory requirements, the Hochschulsport Campus Luzern (HSCL; University Sports) is switching to a purely digital sports program for the time being until 24 January. However, operations must be maintained and a contact person per team must be available. A general obligation to wear oronasal face masks has been in force on all premises of the University of Lucerne since mid August. Early Symptoms of Corona Virus & dealing with the disease. Help and support around mental health (Compilation of the BAG). basement with lockers) is not permitted. Seit dem 26. Beitrag präsentiert im Rahmen der Aus- und Weiterbildung der Praxislehrpersonen mit Lehrdiplom für Maturitätsschulen Sport der PH Luzern, 27. No booking fees. Alle Angehörigen der PH Luzern sind gebeten, auch im Privatleben die Massnahmen und Empfehlungen des BAG zur Verhinderung von Ansteckungen zu befolgen. The University of Lucerne is continuously monitoring the situation and is assessing the situation based on information provided by the responsible federal and cantonal authorities. remain at home if: symptoms of the disease appear and go into quarantine for 10 days if they have been less than 1.5 metres away from an infected person for at least 15 minutes without a protective mask or protective glass; if they have been instructed to do so by cantonal authorities; if they have received a corresponding notification via the SwissCovid App; or if they have entered Switzerland from a risk area according to the FOPH list. The way in which other activities such as continuing education, courses, conferences, meetings or internal and public events will be carried out, will be decided in mid-January 2021. ), the ban on crowds of more than 15 people must be observed. Monday to Friday from 7.30 to 18.30 Saturday from 7.45 to 15.30. University management has taken the necessary provisions to be able to react effectively to the situation. As already stated in the previous protection concept, the ban on crowds of more than 15 people must be observed. This is the only way to include all students, to create planning security and to minimize epidemiological risks. Access to the library is possible via Frohburgstrasse/main entrance; On all premises of the University of Lucerne (Uni/PH building and ancillary locations) and at all times: Lecture halls, seminar rooms, tutorial in the Uni/PH building are closed for students. The oronasal face mask must be worn until seated and may only be removed for consumption. newspapers) is not possible. Several cantons are also recruiting people with medical or nursing training for medical assistance service. Since Wednesday, 28th October, all courses are held in digital mode only. Students will therefore not have access to workstations in the Uni/PH building. make use of the voluntarily installable SwissCovid App and follow the instructions if the app reports that you may have had contact with the virus. Luzerns Stadtpräsident Beat Züsli richtet sich wegen der Coronakrise per Videobotschaft an die Bevölkerung. courses will take place in purely digital form from the 28th October 2020; Employees are encouraged to work from home, exceptions are only made when absolutely necessary. always take place digitally. Fragen zum Schutzkonzept der PH Luzern können an die Taskforce der PH Luzern gerichtet werden ( the minimum distance of 1.5 metres - if possible - must be observed; the hygiene regulations according to Appendix A must be observed; an oronasal face mask must be worn, regardless of whether the minimum distance can be maintained (Exceptions apply to persons in individual offices; persons in multi-person offices if they are alone in the office; lecturers, as long as they are alone in the lecture hall during the course, and under certain conditions persons with a medical certificate); the maximum occupancy rates of the lecture halls, according to Appendix B, must be observed. in the stairwell, waiting areas, toilet facilities. Masks must also be worn in the canteen and foyer. Box 4466 6002 Lucerne, Show submenu for "Courses, Exams, Regulations", Show submenu for "University pastoral care", Show submenu for "Students’ organisations", Show submenu for "University of Lucerne Funding", Show submenu for "Supporting Institutions", Show submenu for "Internal further education", Show submenu for "Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences", Show submenu for "Faculty of Economics and Management", Show submenu for "Department of Health Sciences and Medicine", Show submenu for "International Cooperation", Show submenu for "International Researchers", Show submenu for "International Research Promotion", Coronavirus: protective measures and organization, General obligation to wear an oronasal face mask, How to act if you experience any disease symptoms, quarantine rules, Recommendation: SwissCovid App / coronavirus check, Recommendations of the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH), Exclusively digital courses from 28th October, digital start to the spring semester, Examinations in the fall semester 2020 will be conducted digitally, Compensation of corona-related disadvantages, Corona-related request for leave of absence, Counselling offer for doctoral students, PostDocs and incoming students, Working remotely, working hours and timesheets, Rules on working hours in case of illness and quarantine, Online teaching and meetings with "Zoom", hybrid teaching, Protection concept for the University of Lucerne, Digital start to the spring semester 2021, Psychological Counselling, University Chaplaincy, A future for your talent – students on the university and their studies, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, National strategy for the eliminiation of measles 2011-2015, Department of Health Sciences and Medicine, Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about FoKo applications (from 2021), Office of the Vice Rector for Teaching and International Relations, Office of the Vice Rector for University Development, Office of the Vice Rector for Personnel and Professorships, Teaching development / university didactics, InfoLunch / IL special / IL university didactics, Taster studies for refugees (discovery semester), Institutes, Departements and Research Centres, The Federal Administration's Bilateral Programme, Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R), CAS Information Management and Leadership, protection concept of the University of Lucerne, List of countries and further information (FOPH), protection concept for the University of Lucerne, More information (Website Psychological Advice Centre, in German). There is the option to choose between personal conversation, online consultation or telephone conversation. For people who have symptoms and are unsure how to behave, the FOPH has provided an online tool. Written and oral examinations in the fall semester 2020 will be conducted digitally. Browse our 2,563,380 accommodations in over 85,000 destinations. The protective measures include limiting access by means of a "drop counter". Durch Klicken auf den OK-Button stimmen Sie der … There will be no ZHB events. Recently some students have once again been called to serve in the military, civil defense or civilian service. observe the minimum distance also in the common rooms. classroooms are optimally ventilated by technical ventilation: the windows remain closed. from 12th April 2021, will generally be offered in hybrid mode. No booking fees. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Einzig Lehrveranstaltungen, in denen physische Präsenz zwingend erforderlich ist, können weiterhin vor Ort durchgeführt werden. In front of the entrances to the Uni/PH building (Frohburgstrasse, Pausenplatz 2. Further information on the regulation of working hours and timesheets (in German). Book now! OG, etc. Other areas such as the foyer or the lockers on the 1st basement floor will not be accessible. List of countries and further information (FOPH). Das Credo an der Universität Luzern und der Pädagogischen Hochschule (PH) für das neue Semester lautet im Angesicht der Corona-Pandemie: Hybrider Unterricht. Contact tracing is used to find close contacts of persons infected with the coronavirus. that are not covered by gastronomy protection concepts.. The HSCL is switching to a digital-only sports program through and including Sunday, January 24. This story was originally posted at 5:50 p.m. on Thursday, May 21. Das Schutzkonzept wird laufend an die Vorgaben der Behörden angepasst. Fragen zum Schutzkonzept der PH Luzern können an die Taskforce der PH Luzern gerichtet werden (. If such applications are approved, the tuition fees already paid for the fall term 2020 will be transferred to the spring term 2021. Oktober 2020 Diese gelten bis auf Weiteres. - Duration: 37:56. Unlike in spring, however, the University/PH building will remain open to everyone. Further information is available at Enjoy easy payment options and 24/7 customer service. Corona virus: Rules of conduct and protection concepts HSCL (in German). ({{result.count()}}), Leiter Stabsabteilung Kommunikation und Marketing, {{node.getProperty('zip')}} {{node.getProperty('city')}}, Die Weisungen des Bundesamts für Gesundheit, Die aktuellen Informationen von Bund und Kanton Luzern, Die neue Corona-Website des Kantons Luzern, Verordnung über Massnahmen in der besonderen Lage zur Bekämpfung der Covid-19-Epidemie, Covid-19-Leitlinien von swissuniversities, Schutzkonzept COVID-19 Sporthallen Allmend. Grundlage für das Schutzkonzept der PH Luzern bildet die vom Bundesrat erlassene Verordnung über Massnahmen in der besonderen Lage zur Bekämpfung der Covid-19-Epidemie. With its 5,000 researchers and 39,000 students, the University boasts an international research and study environment and is highly ranked on the leading ranking lists of the world's best universities. In view of the marked increase in the number of Corona infections and stricter federal and cantonal regulations, the University of Lucerne has updated its COVID 19 protection concept (for changes see below). Borrowable media can be borrowed at the self-service check-out counter or at the regular counter. Since 7 December, the new research platform swisscovery is in operation: The only exceptions from the obligation to wear an oronasal face mask are: meetings and discussions are always conducted digitally; conferences, colloquia, events will take place purely digitally from 28th October onwards; events by third parties and with the participation of third parties will take place purely digitally from 28th October onwards; continuing education events will take place purely digitally from 28th October; there is a possibility for an exemption to be granted for events that take place up until the 31st October. Employees, students, lecturers, visitors must therefore stay at home if symptoms of the disease appear and go into quarantine for 10 days if they have been less than 1.5 metres away from an infected person for at least 15 minutes without a protective mask or protective glass, - if they have been instructed to do so by cantonal authorities, if they have received a corresponding notification via the SwissCovid App or if they have entered Switzerland from a risk area according to the FOPH list. HSCL news release (in German). This is the only way to include all students, to create planning security and to minimize epidemiological risks. Kompetenzorientierte Praxisbegleitung - KOMPRA in der Ausbildung von Sportlehrpersonen. Thanks to this structural building requirement, the spread of viruses via the ventilation system can be excluded. Access to all other rooms (incl. Now that the corona situation has worsened further with no rapid improvement in sight, the University of Lucerne has again updated the COVID-19 protection concept as of 24 October. Das Institut für Geschichtsdidaktik und Erinnerungskulturen (IGE) der PH Luzern kann international viel beachtete Projekte weiterführen. The planned Sunday openings for students of the University and the PH Lucerne – the next one would have been on December 13 – are cancelled. pay attention to the basic distance in over-the-counter situations and - where this is not possible - use a plexiglass screen. In the case of a corona-related official duties, the course director or the faculty student advisory service will check the entitlement to compensation for disadvantages. Meetings, discussions etc. Raumvermietungen an Externe sind bis auf Weiteres nicht möglich. Die Maskenpflicht gilt auch für die Aussenräume der PH Luzern (z.B. Working from home is governed by the existing regulations as per the information sheet dated 24th January 2017, and superiors are called upon to approve home office requests.
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